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Section 59A-2-1 - Office of superintendent of insurance. - A. The office of superintendent of insurance, created as of...
Section 59A-2-2 - Superintendent; appointment; term; compensation; removal. - A. The position of superintendent of insurance shall be the...
Section 59A-2-2.1 - Insurance nominating committee; duties; administrative attachment. - A. The "insurance nominating committee" is created and consists of...
Section 59A-2-3 - Superintendent; qualifications and bond. - The superintendent shall: A. be bonded as provided in the...
Section 59A-2-4 - Staff. - The superintendent: A. may hire employees and prescribe their duties...
Section 59A-2-6 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1998, ch. 108, § 81 repealed 59A-2-5...
Section 59A-2-7 - Delegation of powers. - A. The superintendent may delegate to his deputy, assistant or...
Section 59A-2-8 - General powers and duties of superintendent. - A. The superintendent shall: (1) organize and manage the office...
Section 59A-2-8.1 - Producer licensing; national producer registry; fees collected. - The division may contract with a nongovernmental entity, including the...
Section 59A-2-9 - Rules and regulations; promulgation; violation. - A. The superintendent, after a hearing thereon, may make reasonable...
Section 59A-2-9.1 - Regulations; leased employees. - The superintendent shall adopt and promulgate regulations: A. for defining...
Section 59A-2-9.2 - Recompiled. - Recompilations. — Laws 2003, ch. 202, § 15 recompiled former...
Section 59A-2-9.3 - Superintendent authorized and directed to promulgate privacy rules. - The superintendent is authorized to and shall promulgate rules to...
Section 59A-2-9.4 - Superintendent of insurance; additional powers. - The superintendent of insurance shall promulgate rules to define minimum...
Section 59A-2-9.5 - Repealed. - History: Laws 2003, ch. 235, § 3; 1978 Comp. §...
Section 59A-2-9.6 - Health insurance cooperative; rulemaking. - The superintendent shall adopt rules to govern the registration of...
Section 59A-2-9.7 - Annual report required. - No later than December 1 of each year, the superintendent...
Section 59A-2-9.8 - Prior authorization request form; development. - A. On or before January 1, 2014, the division shall...
Section 59A-2-9.9 - State innovation waiver application. - The superintendent, in consultation with and pursuant to approval by...
Section 59A-2-10 - Orders, notices in general. - A. Orders and notices of the superintendent shall be effective...
Section 59A-2-11 - Enforcement. - A. The superintendent may invoke the aid of any court...
Section 59A-2-12 - Records; inspection; destruction. - A. The superintendent shall preserve in the office of superintendent...
Section 59A-2-13 - Seal as evidence. - The superintendent shall have an official seal. Every instrument executed...
Section 59A-2-14 - Publications; preparation and sale. - A. The superintendent may authorize preparation and sale of bound...
Section 59A-2-15 - Interstate, federal and international cooperation. - A. On request of the insurance supervisory official of any...
Section 59A-2-15.1 - Office of superintendent of insurance; cooperation with New Mexico health insurance exchange. - The office of superintendent of insurance shall cooperate with the...
Section 59A-2-16 - Nonpreemption. - Nothing contained in the Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compact [11-19-1...
Section 59A-2-17 - Reporting. (Effective January 1, 2022.) - Until January 1, 2027: A. the office of superintendent of...