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Section 58-2-1 - ["Banking institution" defined.] - The term "banking institution," as used in this act [58-2-1...
Section 58-2-2 - [Acceptance of federal laws.] - Any banking institution now or hereafter reorganized under the laws...
Section 58-2-3 - [Liquidation of banks by federal deposit insurance corporation.] - The federal deposit insurance corporation created by Section eight of...
Section 58-2-4 - [Subrogation of federal corporation.] - Whenever any banking institutions shall have been closed as aforesaid,...
Section 58-2-5 - Exchange of information. - The director of the financial institutions division is authorized to...
Section 58-2-6 - Loans by and sale of assets to federal corporation. - With respect to any banking institution, which is now or...
Section 58-2-7 - [Federal corporation as receiver or liquidator; possession of and title to assets.] - Upon the acceptance of the appointment of receiver or liquidator...
Section 58-2-8 - [Enforcement of individual liability of stockholders and directors of closed banks.] - Among its other powers, said corporation, in the performance of...