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Section 4-49-1 - Bonds for remodeling and making additions. - Bonds may be issued under the provisions of Sections 4-49-1...
Section 4-49-2 - [Location of county hospitals; approval of the department of health.] - The county hospital or hospitals constructed pursuant to the provisions...
Section 4-49-3 - [Two or more counties joining in construction of county hospital; bonds.] - If two or more counties shall, through their respective boards...
Section 4-49-4 - Bonds for courthouses, jails and bridges. - The bonds authorized in Chapter 4, Article 49 NMSA 1978...
Section 4-49-5 - [Election necessary.] - That before any bonds shall be issued under this article,...
Section 4-49-6 - Legislative declaration; necessary public buildings and public projects. - The legislature declares that courthouses, jails, bridges, hospitals, public libraries,...
Section 4-49-7 - General obligation bonds; authority to issue. - The boards of county commissioners may issue the general obligation...
Section 4-49-8 - Election on bond question; petition; notice; election without petition. - A. Whenever a petition signed by not less than two...
Section 4-49-9 - [Second petition; procedure.] - In the event that a second petition is filed, the...
Section 4-49-10 - [Conduct of election.] - All such elections as herein provided for shall be held...
Section 4-49-11 - [Ballots.] - The vote at all such elections shall be by ballot,...
Section 4-49-12 - [Qualifications of voters.] - All qualified electors under the laws of this state who...
Section 4-49-13 - [Stream on county boundary; bridge bonds.] - When any two counties are separated by a stream of...
Section 4-49-14 - [Vote for issuance; notice of bids; proposals; place of construction.] - If the majority of the legal votes cast at any...
Section 4-49-15 - [Contracts authorized.] - The said county commissioners of any county are hereby fully...
Section 4-49-16 - [Registration of bonds.] - The county commissioners of any county issuing such bonds shall...
Section 4-49-17 - [Tax levy for payment of bonds.] - It shall be the duty of the board of county...
Section 4-49-18 - [Taxes to be paid in cash; use for specified purpose.] - All taxes for interest on and for the redemption of...
Section 4-49-19 - [Redemption; notice; cancellation.] - It shall be the duty of the county treasurer to...
Section 4-49-20 - [Use of funds for specific purpose; misapplication; penalty.] - No bonds issued under this article, nor the proceeds thereof,...
Section 4-49-21 - [Failure to levy tax; mandamus.] - If for any cause the board of county commissioners or...