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Section 4-20-1 - [County boundaries.] - That the present county of Quay is hereby abolished and...
Section 4-20-2 - [Present organization to remain; county seat.] - That the present organization of the county of Quay as...
Section 4-20-3 - [Funds, credits and taxes.] - All funds, monies, rights, credits, licenses and taxes which belong...
Section 4-20-4 - [Precincts and school districts remain.] - The precincts and school districts heretofore existing in Quay county...
Section 4-20-5 - [Records and tax rolls.] - All records, tax rolls, assessments and tax schedules heretofore belonging...
Section 4-20-6 - [Salaries of officers.] - The officials of Washington county shall receive the same salaries...
Section 4-20-7 - [Change of name.] - The name of Washington county, heretofore created, is hereby changed...