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Section 28-7-1 - Short title. - This act [28-7-1 to 28-7-7 NMSA 1978] may be cited...
Section 28-7-2 - Policy. - It is the policy of this state to encourage and...
Section 28-7-3 - Equal right to use public facilities. - A. Persons who are blind, visually impaired or who have...
Section 28-7-4 - Driver to take precautions approaching blind; liability for damage. - The driver of a vehicle approaching a totally or partially...
Section 28-7-5 - Interference with rights of blind; penalty. - A person, firm or corporation or the agent of a...
Section 28-7-6 - Annual proclamation of white cane safety day by governor. - Each year, the governor shall take suitable public notice of...
Section 28-7-7 - Policy of state on employment of persons with a disability. - It is the policy of this state that a person...
Section 28-7-8 to 28-7-12 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1983, ch. 60, § 4, repealed 28-7-8...
Section 28-7-13 - Prohibiting influence against joining organizations for the visually handicapped. - No officer or employee of the state or any political...
Section 28-7-14 - Medical eye care. - There is created the "medical eye care and sight conservation...
Section 28-7-15 - Short title. - Sections 1 through 9 [28-7-15 to 28-7-23 NMSA 1978] of...
Section 28-7-16 - Commission for the blind created. - A. There is created the "commission for the blind", consisting...
Section 28-7-17 - Commission for the blind; powers and duties. - The commission for the blind shall: A. apply for and...
Section 28-7-18 - Staff. - The commission shall appoint a director, who is the administrative...
Section 28-7-19 - Qualification as blind; examinations required. - A. Qualification of a person as blind shall be determined...
Section 28-7-20 - Corrective medical services. - In addition to arranging and paying for examinations to determine...
Section 28-7-21 - Reports. - Whenever a licensed ophthalmologist finds a person he has examined...
Section 28-7-22 - Receipt of federal funds; designation. - The commission is authorized to receive and administer any federal...
Section 28-7-23 - Hearing; appeal. - The commission shall provide an opportunity for a fair hearing...