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Section 27-2A-1 - Short title. - This act [27-2A-1 to 27-2A-9 NMSA 1978] may be cited...
Section 27-2A-2 - Purpose of act. - The purpose of the Medicaid Estate Recovery Act is to...
Section 27-2A-3 - Definitions. - As used in the Medicaid Estate Recovery Act: A. "department"...
Section 27-2A-4 - Department to seek recovery of medical assistance payments restriction. - A. The department shall seek recovery from the estate of...
Section 27-2A-5 - Administration; recovery from estates. - A. The department shall administer the estate recovery program. B....
Section 27-2A-6 - Hardship waiver. - The department shall waive the application of the provisions of...
Section 27-2A-7 - Restrictions on recovery from estates. - Any recovery from an estate may be made only after...
Section 27-2A-8 - Due process. - When the department determines it will seek to recover from...
Section 27-2A-9 - Department exempt from bond requirement for personal representative. - If the department seeks appointment as a personal representative of...