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Section 22-32-1 - Short title. - Chapter 22, Article 32 NMSA 1978 may be cited as...
Section 22-32-2 - Purpose. - The Community Schools Act is enacted to provide a strategy...
Section 22-32-3 - Community schools initiatives; school improvement functions; requirements. - A. A community schools initiative may be created in any...
Section 22-32-4 - Community schools initiatives; indirect costs; grants; school district, group of public schools or public school duties; requirements. - A. A school district shall bear any indirect costs associated...
Section 22-32-5 - Definitions. - As used in the Community Schools Act: A. "community school"...
Section 22-32-6 - Community school framework; community school coordinator. - A. The community school framework shall ensure the use of...
Section 22-32-7 - Coalition for community schools. - The department shall appoint a "coalition for community schools" that...
Section 22-32-8 - Community schools fund; created; accountability. - A. The "community schools fund" is created as a nonreverting...