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Section 22-19B-1 - Short title. - This act [22-19B-1 to 22-19B-9 NMSA 1978] may be cited...
Section 22-19B-2 - Purpose. - The purpose of the School District Bond Anticipation Notes Act...
Section 22-19B-3 - Definitions. - As used in the School District Bond Anticipation Notes Act:...
Section 22-19B-4 - Issuance of bond anticipation notes. - A. A school district may issue bond anticipation notes for...
Section 22-19B-5 - Bond anticipation note details. - A. Bond anticipation notes shall be authorized by resolution of...
Section 22-19B-6 - Limitations on issuance of bond anticipation notes. - Bond anticipation notes shall not be issued: A. unless the...
Section 22-19B-7 - Publication of notice; validation; limitation of action. - After adoption of a resolution authorizing issuance of bond anticipation...
Section 22-19B-8 - Cumulative and complete authority. - The School District Bond Anticipation Notes Act is an additional...
Section 22-19B-9 - Liberal interpretation. - The School District Bond Anticipation Notes Act shall be liberally...