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Section 22-19-1 - Short title. - Sections 22-19-1 through 22-19-16 NMSA 1978 may be cited as...
Section 22-19-2 - Definitions. - As used in the School Revenue Bond Act: A. "income...
Section 22-19-3 - Income projects. - A local school board may borrow money to finance income...
Section 22-19-4 - Bonds; mortgages. - A. A local school board may issue bonds or other...
Section 22-19-5 - Determination by local school board. - Prior to borrowing money and issuing evidences of indebtedness to...
Section 22-19-6 - Report to state board [department]. - Prior to borrowing any money to finance an income project,...
Section 22-19-7 - State board [department] approval; determination by state board. - A. A local school board shall obtain written approval of...
Section 22-19-8 - Records; restriction on use of income. - A. A local school board shall retain complete and accurate...
Section 22-19-9 - Bonds; pledge of income; satisfaction of indebtedness. - A. Bonds or other special obligations issued pursuant to the...
Section 22-19-10 - Proceeds of bond sales; retirement fund. - A. Proceeds from the sale of bonds or other special...
Section 22-19-11 - Bonds; form; requirements. - All bonds or other special obligations issued pursuant to the...
Section 22-19-12 - Pledge of additional revenue. - A local school board may pledge, as security for the...
Section 22-19-13 - Refunding bonds. - A. A local school board may issue refunding bonds for...
Section 22-19-14 - Refunding bonds; issuance; sale; proceeds. - A. No bond shall be refunded pursuant to the School...
Section 22-19-15 - Exchange of bonds. - In authorizing any bonds pursuant to the School Revenue Bond...
Section 22-19-16 - Tax exemption; no charge against state. - A. Bonds or other special obligations issued pursuant to the...