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Section 22-12A-1 - Short title. - Sections 1 through 14 [22-12A-1 to 22-12A-14 NMSA 1978] of...
Section 22-12A-2 - Definitions. - As used in the Attendance for Success Act: A. "absent"...
Section 22-12A-3 - Right to education. - A school-age person in the state shall have a right...
Section 22-12A-4 - School attendance; responsibility; private school attendance policies. - A. Except as otherwise provided in the Public School Code,...
Section 22-12A-5 - Public school attendance. - A. Local school boards may admit as students school-age persons...
Section 22-12A-6 - Public school attendance policies; reporting. - A. A public school shall maintain an attendance policy that:...
Section 22-12A-7 - Enforcement of Attendance for Success Act; district responsibilities; differentiation; district plan; additional support. - A. School districts shall differentiate public schools based on their...
Section 22-12A-8 - Enforcement of Attendance for Success Act; attendance improvement plan; procedures. - A. A public school shall initiate the enforcement of the...
Section 22-12A-9 - Medical appointments; illness; special situations; make-up work. - A. A student may be excused for parent- or doctor-authorized...
Section 22-12A-10 - Interscholastic extracurricular activities; student participation. - A. A public school student shall have at least a...
Section 22-12A-11 - Progressive interventions for absent, chronically absent and excessively absent students. - A. A public school shall provide interventions for students who...
Section 22-12A-12 - Excessive absenteeism; enforcement. - A. Each local school board and each governing body of...
Section 22-12A-13 - Reporting requirements. - A. For each reporting date and at the end of...
Section 22-12A-14 - Timely graduation and support for students who experience disruption in the student's education. - A. For purposes of this section, "a student who has...