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Section 21-5-1 - Purpose of school for the blind [New Mexico school for the blind and visually impaired]; power to acquire land. - The New Mexico school for the blind [New Mexico school...
Section 21-5-2 - Management of New Mexico school for the visually handicapped [New Mexico school for the blind and visually impaired]; corporate powers. - A. The management and control of the New Mexico school...
Section 21-5-3 - Recompiled. - Recompilations. — Laws 1983, ch. 60, § 3, recompiled former...
Section 21-5-4 - [Authority to use name "New Mexico school for visually handicapped [New Mexico school for the blind and visually impaired]."] - For administrative purposes in all matters except suits, state lands,...
Section 21-5-5 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1999, ch. 116, § 2 repealed 21-5-5...
Section 21-5-6 - [Transportation of children.] - That the superintendent of such institute [New Mexico school for...
Section 21-5-7 - Superintendents of school districts required to report blind children. - Superintendents of all school districts in the state, on August...
Section 21-5-8 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1999, ch. 116, § 2 repealed 21-5-8...
Section 21-5-9 to 21-5-11 - Recompiled. - Recompilations. — Laws 1983, ch. 60, § 3, recompiled former...
Section 21-5-12 - [Authority to borrow money; purposes.] - That for the purpose of erecting, altering, improving, furnishing and...
Section 21-5-13 - [Power of board to sell and retire bonds.] - That whenever the said board, by the affirmative vote of...
Section 21-5-14 - Form of bonds. - Bonds issued pursuant to Sections 21-5-12 through 21-5-23 NMSA 1978...
Section 21-5-15 - [Bonds; publication of notice; award to highest responsible bidder; purchase by state.] - The board shall offer said bonds for sale, after publication...
Section 21-5-16 - [Permanent improvement and interest and retirement funds.] - The proceeds from the sale of said bonds shall be...
Section 21-5-17 - [Interest and retirement fund established.] - The board of regents shall at the time of issuing...
Section 21-5-18 - [Pledge of income for interest and retirement; leased land income.] - For the faithful and prompt payment of all interest and...
Section 21-5-19 - [Forwarding of funds for payment of coupons and bonds.] - It shall be the duty of the secretary and treasurer...
Section 21-5-20 - [Funds restricted to designated purposes.] - None of the funds derived from the sale of said...
Section 21-5-21 - [State treasurer's duty to establish interest and retirement fund.] - It is hereby made the duty of the treasurer of...
Section 21-5-22 - [Authority to designate bonds in series; bonds not to exceed income for preceding fiscal year.] - In the event the board of regents aforesaid should find...
Section 21-5-23 - [Tax exemption; security for public moneys.] - Bonds issued under the provisions of this act [21-5-12, 21-5-13,...