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Section 20-8-1 - Creation; composition. - There is created the state armory board, a body corporate,...
Section 20-8-2 - Definitions. - A. "Armory" means any building, training area, warehouse, vehicle storage...
Section 20-8-3 - Powers and responsibilities. - The state armory board shall be empowered to: A. act...
Section 20-8-4 - Local armory boards; members. - There are created local armory boards for each local armory....
Section 20-8-5 - State armory board fund. - A. All net revenues derived from any armory rentals shall...
Section 20-8-6 - State armory board building and improvement bonds. - A. For the purpose of erecting, altering, improving, furnishing and...
Section 20-8-7 to 20-8-11 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1987, ch. 318, § 98A repealed 20-8-7...