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Section 12-3-1 - [State seal; design.] - The coat of arms of the state shall be the...
Section 12-3-2 - [Adoption of flag for state of New Mexico.] - That a flag be and the same is hereby adopted...
Section 12-3-3 - Salute to state flag. - The official salute to the state flag is: "I salute...
Section 12-3-4 - State flower; state bird; state tree; state fish; state animal; state vegetables; state gem; state grass; state fossil; state cookie; state insect; state question; state answer; state nickname; state butterfly; state reptile; state a... - A. The yucca flower is adopted as the official flower...
Section 12-3-5 - [State song; adoption.] - That the words and music of the song written by...
Section 12-3-6 - Spanish language state song. - The words and music of "Asi Es Nuevo Mejico," written...
Section 12-3-7 - Spanish language salute to the state flag. - The official Spanish language salute to the state flag is:...
Section 12-3-8 - [State song; filing in office of secretary of state.] - A copy of said [state] song exhibited with this bill...
Section 12-3-9 - State slogan for business, commerce and industry. - The official state slogan for business, commerce and industry in...
Section 12-3-10 - State ballad. - The words and music of "Land of Enchantment - New...
Section 12-3-11 - State poem. - The poem "A Nuevo Mexico", written by Luis Tafoya in...
Section 12-3-12 - State bilingual song. - A. The words and music of "New Mexico -- Mi...
Section 12-3-13 - Statuary hall designation. - Under the provisions of 40 U.S.C. Section 187, New Mexico...
Section 12-3-14 - Commission; funds. - There is created the "statuary hall commission" consisting of the...
Section 12-3-15 - [Statuary hall] commission created. - The "statuary hall commission" is created. The commission shall be...
Section 12-3-16 - Duties. - The statuary hall commission shall: A. meet at the call...
Section 12-3-17 - Official balloon museum. - The Anderson-Abruzzo international balloon museum is the official balloon museum...
Section 12-3-18 - Official state guitar. - The New Mexico sunrise guitar is adopted as the official...
Section 12-3-19 - State cowboy song. - The words and music of "Under New Mexico Skies", written...