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Title 104 - Sheriffs and Constables
Section 104:1 - Record of Birth. - Source. RS 15:1. CS 15:1. GS 17:1. GL 18:1. PS...
Section 104:2 - Age Limitation. - Source. Const. II, 78. RS 15:2. CS 15:2. GS 17:2....
Section 104:3 - Deputies; Appointment. - Source. RS 178:5. CS 189:5. GS 197:1. GL 216:1. PS...
Section 104:3-e - Appointment of Deputy Sheriffs. - Source. 1973, 436:2. 1987, 223:2, eff. July 17, 1987.
Section 104:3-f - Compensation for Deputy Sheriffs in Hillsborough County. - Source. 1983, 329:1. 1987, 223:2, eff. July 17, 1987.
Section 104:4 - Special Deputy. - Source. RS 178:6, 8. CS 189:6, 8. GS 197:2. GL...
Section 104:5 - Duties. - Source. RS 178:9. CS 189:9. GS 197:3. GL 216:3. PS...
Section 104:6 - Powers. - Source. 1911, 147:1. PL 324:4. RL 380:4. 2007, 321:1, eff....
Section 104:7 - Interest in Suit. - Source. RS 179:3. CS 190:3. GS 197:4. GL 216:4. PS...
Section 104:8 - Limitation. - Source. 1844, 140. CS 189:32. GS 197:6. GL 216:6. PS...
Section 104:9 - Constables. - Source. RS 179:5. CS 190:5. GS 197:5. 1875, 9:1. GL...
Section 104:10 - Neglect of Duty. - Source. RS 178:10. CS 189:10. GS 197:7. GL 216:7. PS...
Section 104:11 - Liability for Fees. - Source. 1899, 20:1. PL 324:9. RL 380:9.
Section 104:12 - Requiring Aid. - Source. RS 178:12. CS 189:12. GS 197:8. GL 216:8. PS...
Section 104:13 - Completing Business. - Source. RS 178:13. CS 189:13. GS 197:9. GL 216:9. PS...
Section 104:14 - Vacancy, Power of Deputies. - Source. RS 178:14. CS 189:14. GS 197:10. GL 216:10. PS...
Section 104:15 - Liabilities for Defaults and Misfeasances. - Source. RS 178:16. CS 189:16. GS 197:12. GL 216:12. PS...
Section 104:16 - Remedies. - Source. RS 178:16. CS 189:16. GS 197:12. GL 216:12. PS...
Section 104:17 - Accountability to County. - Source. RS 178:24. CS 189:24. 1865, 4077:7. GS 197:13. GL...
Section 104:18 - Forfeiture. - Source. RS 178:25. CS 189:25. GS 197:14. GL 216:14. PS...
Section 104:19 - List of Processes. - Source. 1865, 4077:7, 8. GS 197:15. GL 216:15. PS 212:14....
Section 104:20 - Account. - Source. RS 178:26. CS 189:26. GS 197:16. 1873, 31:1. GL...
Section 104:21 - Liability to Creditor. - Source. RS 178:11. CS 189:11. GS 197:17. GL 216:17. PS...
Section 104:22 - Trusteed Funds. - Source. 1845, 232. CS 189:33. GS 197:18. GL 216:18. PS...
Section 104:23 - Execution Against Sheriff. - Source. RS 178:17. CS 189:17. GS 197:19. GL 216:19. PS...
Section 104:24 - Non-payment of. - Source. RS 178:18. CS 189:18. GS 197:20. GL 216:20. PS...
Section 104:25 - Not To Be Attorney. - Source. RS 178:27. CS 189:27. GS 196:21. 1875, 30:1. GL...
Section 104:26 - Process Made by, Void. - Source. RS 178:27. CS 189:27. GS 197:21. 1875, 30:1. GL...
Section 104:27 - Deputy, Discharge. - Source. RS 178:7. CS 189:7. GS 197:22. GL 216:22. PS...
Section 104:28 - Liability for Deputy's Conduct. - Source. RS 178:8. CS 189:8. GS 197:23. GL 216:23. PS...
Section 104:28-a - False Personation. - Source. RS 217:17. CS 231:17. GS 259:17. GL 277:18. PS...
Section 104:30 - Clerk Hire. - Source. 1945, 118:1. 1947, 171:1. 1951, 129:1, eff. May 29,...
Section 104:31 - Fees of Sheriffs and Deputy Sheriffs. - Source. RS 229:14. CS 245:14. 1866, 4248:3. GS 272:14. GL...
Section 104:31-a - Reports. - Source. 1971, 514:8, eff. July 6, 1971.
Section 104:32 - Nominal Attachment, Etc. - Source. 1866, 4248:5. GS 272:15. GL 290:15. PS 287:17. PL...
Section 104:33 - Indorsement of Fees. - Source. RS 229:15. CS 245:15. GS 272:16. GL 290:16. PS...
Section 104:34 - Fees of Constables. - Source. RS 229:19. CS 245:19. GS 272:20. GL 290:20. PS...
Title 105 - Police Officers and Watchmen
Section 105:1 - Appointment. - Source. 1852, 1226:1. CS 120:1. GS 235:1. GL 253:1, 3....
Section 105:2 - Form. - Source. RS 114:2, 3. GS 235:4. GL 253:3. PS 249:2....
Section 105:2-a - Police Chiefs; Powers; Dismissal. - Source. 1973, 371:1. 2005, 24:1, eff. Jan. 1, 2006.
Section 105:3 - Powers; Compensation. - Source. RS 114:3. CS 120:5. GS 235:6. GL 253:5. PS...
Section 105:3-a - Name Tag Required. - Source. 1975, 289:1, eff. Aug. 6, 1975.
Section 105:4 - Employment. - Source. 1852, 1226:2. CS 120:2. GS 235:2. GL 253:2. PS...
Section 105:5 - Police Matrons. - Source. 1915, 91:1. PL 363:5. RL 422:5.
Section 105:6 - Police Regulations. - Source. RS 114:7. CS 120:9. GS 235:7. 1877, 30:1. GL...
Section 105:7 - Approval, Etc. - Source. RS 114:8. CS 120:10. GS 235:8. GL 253:7. PS...
Section 105:8 - Penalty. - Source. RS 114:7. CS 120:9. GS 235:7. GL 253:6. PS...
Section 105:9 - Police Attendance at Public Meetings or Functions. - Source. 1925, 124:1. PL 363:9. RL 422:9. RSA 105:9. 1971,...
Section 105:9-a - Employing Police. - Source. 1863, 2717. GS 255:14. GL 273:14. PS 271:12. PL...
Section 105:10 - Watchmen. - Source. RS 115:1. CS 121:1. GS 235:9. GL 253:8. PS...
Section 105:11 - As Police Officers. - Source. RS 115:2. CS 121:2. GS 235:10. GL 253:9. PS...
Section 105:12 - Powers. - Source. RS 115:3. CS 121:3. GS 235:11. GL 253:10. PS...
Section 105:13 - Extended Authority. - Source. 1971, 390:2. 1981, 297:1. 2008, 260:1, eff. Aug. 25,...
Section 105:13-a - Extended Authority of Municipality in Another State. - Source. 1988, 70:1.
Section 105:13-b - Confidentiality of Personnel Files. - Source. 1992, 45:1. 2012, 288:4, eff. June 27, 2012.
Section 105:13-d - Exculpatory Evidence Schedule. - Source. 2021, 225:2, eff. Sept. 24, 2021.
Section 105:19 - Reports of Misconduct by Law Enforcement Officers. - Source. 2020, 12:16, eff. Jan. 1, 2021.
Title 105-C - Police Commissions
Section 105-C:1 - Establishment Authority. - Source. 1981, 277:1, eff. June 16, 1981.
Section 105-C:2 - Referendum. - Source. 1981, 277:1, eff. June 16, 1981.
Section 105-C:3 - Establishment. - Source. 1981, 277:1, eff. June 16, 1981.
Section 105-C:4 - Duties; Powers. - Source. 1981, 277:1, eff. June 16, 1981.
Section 105-C:5 - Prohibition; Police in Office. - Source. 1981, 277:1, eff. June 16, 1981.
Section 105-C:6 - Compensation. - Source. 1981, 277:1, eff. June 16, 1981.
Section 105-C:7 - Option to Rescind Action. - Source. 1981, 277:1, eff. June 16, 1981.
Title 105-D - Body-Worn Cameras
Section 105-D:1 - Definitions. - Source. 2016, 322:1, eff. Jan. 1, 2017.
Section 105-D:2 - Use of Body-Worn Cameras. - Source. 2016, 322:1, eff. Jan. 1, 2017.
Section 105-D:2-a - Statewide Entity to Receive Complaints Alleging Misconduct Regarding Sworn and Elected Law Enforcement Officers; Commission Established. - Source. 2021, 91:150, eff. July 1, 2021.
Section 105-D:3 - Body-Worn and Dashboard Camera Fund. - Source. 2021, 91:144, eff. July 1, 2021 at 12:01 a.m.
Title 106-B - The State Police
Section 106-B:1 - Definitions. - Source. 1937, 134:2. RL 145:1. RSA 106:1. 1961, 166:4, eff....
Section 106-B:2 - Division of State Police. - Source. 1937, 134:3. RL 145:2. RSA 106:2. 1961, 166:4. 1987,...
Section 106-B:2-a - Forensic Science Laboratory. - Source. 2003, 319:89, eff. Jan. 1, 2004.
Section 106-B:4 - Ranks and Qualifications; Establishment. - Source. 1937, 134:5. RL 145:4. RSA 106:5. 1961, 166:4. 1963,...
Section 106-B:5 - Director's Authority. - Source. 1937, 134:6. RL 145:5. RSA 106:6. 1961, 166:4. 2010,...
Section 106-B:6 - Training Facilities and Requirements. - Source. 1937, 134:7. RL 145:6. RSA 106:7. 1961, 166:4. 1987,...
Section 106-B:7 - Rulemaking Power; Employees. - Source. 1937, 134:8. RL 145:7. RSA 106:8. 1961, 166:4. 1983,...
Section 106-B:8 - Divisional Uniforms and Equipment. - Source. 1937, 134:9. RL 145:8. RSA 106:9. 1961, 166:4, eff....
Section 106-B:9 - Per Diem Reimbursement for Expenses. - Source. 1937, 134:10. RL 145:9. RSA 106:10. 1961, 166:4. 1973,...
Section 106-B:10 - Disposition of Fees. - Source. 1937, 134:11. 1939, 198:1. 1941, 152:1. RL 145:10. 1949,...
Section 106-B:11 - Cooperation With Other Police Forces. - Source. 1937, 134:12. RL 145:11. RSA 106:12. 1961, 166:4. 1979,...
Section 106-B:12 - Authority and Duties of Police Employees. - Source. 1937, 134:13. RL 145:12. RSA 106:13. 1961, 166:4. 1967,...
Section 106-B:13 - Power to Take Identification Data. - Source. 1937, 134:14. RL 145:13. RSA 106:14. 1961, 166:4, eff....
Section 106-B:14 - Criminal Records, Reports; National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact. - Source. 1937, 134:15. RL 145:14. RSA 106:15. 1961, 166:4. 1973,...
Section 106-B:14-a - Intrastate Misdemeanors Recorded. - Source. 1988, 228:1, eff. July 1, 1988.
Section 106-B:14-b - Intrastate Civil and Criminal Non-Support Recorded. - Source. 2000, 150:1, eff. July 22, 2000.
Section 106-B:14-c - Uniform Crime Reporting System. - Source. 2016, 103:1, eff. July 18, 2016.
Section 106-B:15 - Jurisdiction of Police Employees. - Source. 1937, 134:16. RL 145:15. RSA 106:16. 1961, 166:4. 1963,...
Section 106-B:15-a - Exhibiting Insignia of State Police. - Source. 1937, 198:1. RL 457:22. RSA 587:23. 1973, 532:24, eff....
Section 106-B:15-b - Penalty. - Source. 1937, 198:2. RL 457:23. RSA 587:24. 1973, 532:24, eff....
Section 106-B:17 - Retirement Benefits. - Source. 1961, 166:8, eff. July 1, 1962.
Section 106-B:18 - Line of Duty Injury. - Source. 1965, 209:1. 2001, 291:2, eff. July 1, 2001.
Section 106-B:19 - Auxiliary State Police. - Source. 1965, 374:1. 1987, 124:11, eff. July 1, 1987. 2013,...
Section 106-B:20 - Appointment and Qualifications. - Source. 1965, 374:1, eff. July 1, 1965.
Section 106-B:21 - Authority. - Source. 1965, 374:1, eff. July 1, 1965.
Section 106-B:22 - Uniforms and Equipment. - Source. 1965, 374:1, eff. July 1, 1965.
Section 106-B:23 - Compensation. - Source. 1965, 374:1, eff. July 1, 1965.
Section 106-B:24 - Removal. - Source. 1965, 374:1, eff. July 1, 1965.
Section 106-B:25 - Workers' Compensation. - Source. 1965, 374:1. 1983, 380:2, eff. July 1, 1983.
Section 106-B:26 - Applicability. - Source. 2021, 204:2, Pt. II, Sec. 2, eff. Oct. 9,...
Section 106-B:27 - State Police; Use of Tow List. - Source. 2021, 204:2, Pt. II, Sec. 2, eff. Oct. 9,...
Section 106-B:28 - Definitions. - Source. 2021, 204:2, Pt. II, Sec. 2, eff. Oct. 9,...
Section 106-B:29 - Use of Tow List. - Source. 2021, 204:2, Pt. II, Sec. 2, eff. Oct. 9,...
Section 106-B:30 - Requirements for Placement on the Tow List. - Source. 2021, 204:2, Pt. II, Sec. 2, eff. Oct. 9,...
Section 106-B:31 - Requirements to Remain on the Tow List. - Source. 2021, 204:2, Pt. II, Sec. 2, eff. Oct. 9,...
Section 106-B:32 - Recordkeeping; Mandatory Records. - Source. 2021, 204:2, Pt. II, Sec. 2, eff. Oct. 9,...
Section 106-B:33 - Confiscated Vehicles; Impoundment. - Source. 2021, 204:2, Pt. II, Sec. 2, eff. Oct. 9,...
Section 106-B:34 - Compliance Action; Disciplinary Enforcement. - Source. 2021, 204:2, Pt. II, Sec. 2, eff. Oct. 9,...
Title 106-C - Emergency Police Assistance
Section 106-C:1 - Definitions. - Source. 1967, 431:1. 1999, 342:1, eff. Jan. 9, 2000.
Section 106-C:2 - Provisions Effective During Emergency. - Source. 1967, 431:1, eff. Sept. 5, 1967.
Section 106-C:3 - Inter-Community Police Assistance. - Source. 1967, 431:1, eff. Sept. 5, 1967.
Section 106-C:3-a - Inter-Community Special Reaction Team Assistance for Critical Incident Emergency. - Source. 1999, 342:2, eff. Jan. 9, 2000.
Section 106-C:4 - Powers, Rights, Privileges and Immunities. - Source. 1967, 431:1, eff. Sept. 5, 1967.
Section 106-C:5 - Loss, Damage or Expense. - Source. 1967, 431:1, eff. Sept. 5, 1967.
Section 106-C:6 - Liability for Acts or Omissions. - Source. 1967, 431:1, eff. Sept. 5, 1967.
Section 106-C:7 - Reimbursement for Salaries and Expenses. - Source. 1967, 431:1, eff. Sept. 5, 1967.
Section 106-C:8 - Donation of Services. - Source. 1967, 431:1, eff. Sept. 5, 1967.
Section 106-C:9 - Recall From Service Outside of a Municipality or County. - Source. 1967, 431:1, eff. Sept. 5, 1967.
Section 106-C:10 - Reciprocal Relations With Other Counties or Municipalities. - Source. 1967, 431:1, eff. Sept. 5, 1967.
Title 106-D - New England State Police Compact
Section 106-D:1 - Compact Ratified. - Source. 1969, 224:1, eff. June 11, 1969.
Section 106-D:2 - Director, Division of State Police. - Source. 1969, 224:1, eff. June 11, 1969.
Section 106-D:3 - Powers of Director. - Source. 1969, 224:1, eff. June 11, 1969.
Section 106-D:4 - Alternate to Conference. - Source. 1969, 224:1, eff. June 11, 1969.
Section 106-D:5 - Retirement System. - Source. 1969, 224:1, eff. June 11, 1969.
Section 106-D:6 - Membership Retirements. - Source. 1969, 224:1, eff. June 11, 1969.
Section 106-D:7 - Reports. - Source. 1969, 224:1, eff. June 11, 1969.
Section 106-D:8 - Repeal of Compact. - Source. 1969, 224:1, eff. June 11, 1969.
Title 106-F - Private Investigators, Security Guards, and Bail Recovery Agents
Section 106-F:1 - Declaration of Purpose. - Source. 2019, 324:1, eff. July 1, 2019.
Section 106-F:2 - Definitions. - Source. 2019, 324:1, eff. July 1, 2019.
Section 106-F:3 - License Required; Registration of Foreign Corporations. - Source. 2019, 324:1, eff. July 1, 2019.
Section 106-F:4 - Exclusions. - Source. 2019, 324:1, eff. July 1, 2019.
Section 106-F:5 - Application for License; Confidentiality. - Source. 2019, 324:1, eff. July 1, 2019.
Section 106-F:6 - Issuance of License; Identification Card. - Source. 2019, 324:1, eff. July 1, 2019.
Section 106-F:7 - License Application and Renewal Fees. - Source. 2019, 324:1, eff. July 1, 2019.
Section 106-F:8 - Licensee Firearms Proficiency. - Source. 2019, 324:1, eff. July 1, 2019.
Section 106-F:9 - Requirements of Licensees. - Source. 2019, 324:1, eff. July 1, 2019.
Section 106-F:10 - Prohibitions. - Source. 2019, 324:1, eff. July 1, 2019.
Section 106-F:11 - Rulemaking; Enforcement. - Source. 2019, 324:1, eff. July 1, 2019.
Section 106-F:12 - Suspension or Revocation; Cessation of Operation. - Source. 2019, 324:1, eff. July 1, 2019.
Section 106-F:13 - Appeal. - Source. 2019, 324:1, eff. July 1, 2019.
Section 106-F:14 - Penalty. - Source. 2019, 324:1, eff. July 1, 2019.
Section 106-F:15 - Advisory Board. - Source. 2019, 324:1, eff. July 1, 2019.
Title 106-G - Advisory Committee on Breath Analyzer Machines
Section 106-G:1 - Committee Established. - Source. 1988, 268:4. 1989, 353:29. 1995, 310:182. 2003, 319:97, I,...
Section 106-G:2 - Terms. - Source. 1988, 268:4, eff. July 1, 1988.
Title 106-H - Enhanced 911 System
Section 106-H:1 - Statement of Purpose. - Source. 1992, 165:1, eff. July 5, 1992.
Section 106-H:2 - Definitions. - Source. 1992, 165:1. 1998, 51:1, 2. 2003, 319:117, 118. 2004,...
Section 106-H:3 - Commission Established. - Source. 1992, 165:1. 1999, 337:1. 2003, 319:119. 2004, 171:13, 30....
Section 106-H:5 - Powers and Duties; Commission. - Source. 1992, 165:1. 2003, 319:120. 2004, 171:14, eff. July 24,...
Section 106-H:6 - Powers and Duties. - Source. 1992, 165:1. 1993, 231:3. 2003, 319:121. 2004, 171:15. 2008,...
Section 106-H:8 - Coordination by Provider of Telephone Service. - Source. 1992, 165:1. 1997, 298:16. 1999, 337:2. 2006, 49:1. 2012,...
Section 106-H:9 - Funding; Fund Established. - Source. 1992, 165:1. 1997, 298:17. 2003, 319:122. 2005, 251:5. 2010,...
Section 106-H:9-a - Penalty for Late Payment of Surcharge. - Source. 2008, 358:9, eff. Sept. 9, 2008.
Section 106-H:10 - Municipal Cooperation. - Source. 1992, 165:1. 1997, 92:1. 1998, 51:3, eff. July 4,...
Section 106-H:11 - Enhanced ANI/ALI Capability. - Source. 1992, 165:1, eff. July 5, 1992.
Section 106-H:12 - Confidentiality. - Source. 1992, 165:1, eff. Jan. 1, 1993.
Section 106-H:13 - Penalty for False Information. - Source. 1992, 165:1. 2002, 222:6, eff. Jan. 1, 2003.
Section 106-H:14 - Information Not Subject to Right-to-Know Law. - Source. 1992, 165:1. 2006, 137:2. 2007, 89:2, eff. Dec. 8,...
Section 106-H:15 - Misuse of 911 System. - Source. 1997, 298:18, eff. July 1, 1997.
Section 106-H:16 - Emergency Notification System. - Source. 2010, 271:1, eff. Aug. 6, 2010. 2014, 285:1, eff....
Section 106-H:17 - Disclosure of Caller Location in Emergency Situations. - Source. 2010, 314:2, eff. Sept. 11, 2010.
Title 106-I - Responses to Incidents in Other Jurisdictions
Section 106-I:1 - Mass Critical Incidents; Requests for Response; Authority of Officers. - Source. 2003, 252:1, eff. July 14, 2003.
Section 106-I:2 - Emergency Declared by Governor; Authority of Officers. - Source. 2006, 280:1, eff. Aug. 14, 2006.
Title 106-J - Missing Adult Program and Missing Vulnerable Adult Alert Program
Section 106-J:1 - Definitions. - Source. 2005, 247:3, eff. Sept. 12, 2005. 2016, 256:2, eff....
Section 106-J:2 - Procedures. - Source. 2005, 247:3, eff. Sept. 12, 2005. 2016, 256:3, eff....
Section 106-J:3 - Definitions. - Source. 2009, 279:3, eff. July 1, 2010. 2016, 256:5, eff....
Section 106-J:4 - Program Established. - Source. 2009, 279:3, eff. July 1, 2010. 2016, 256:5, eff....
Section 106-J:5 - Rulemaking. - Source. 2009, 279:3, eff. July 1, 2010. 2016, 256:5, eff....
Title 106-L - Police Standards and Training Council
Section 106-L:1 - Findings and Policy. - [RSA 106-L:1 effective January 1, 2023; see also RSA 106-L:1...
Section 106-L:2 - Definitions. - [RSA 106-L:2 effective January 1, 2023; see also RSA 106-L:2...
Section 106-L:3 - Police Standards and Training Council. - [Paragraph I effective until January 1, 2023; see also paragraph...
Section 106-L:4 - Executive Branch Jurisdiction. - [RSA 106-L:4 effective January 1, 2023; see also RSA 106-L:4...
Section 106-L:5 - Powers. - [Paragraph III effective until January 1, 2023; see also paragraph...
Section 106-L:6 - Education and Training Required. - Source. 2017, 206:1, eff. Sept. 8, 2017.
Section 106-L:7 - Additional Training of Peace Officers. - Source. 2017, 206:1, eff. Sept. 8, 2017.
Section 106-L:7-a - Mental Health Training for Law Enforcement Officers. - Source. 2022, 331:2, eff. Sept. 6, 2022.
Section 106-L:8 - Alzheimer's Disease and Other Related Dementia Training. - Source. 2017, 206:1, eff. Sept. 8, 2017.
Section 106-L:9 - Reimbursement of Expenses. - Source. 2017, 206:1, eff. Sept. 8, 2017. 2020, 12:20, eff....
Section 106-L:10 - Penalty Assessment; Waiver of Penalty. - Source. 2017, 206:1, eff. Sept. 8, 2017.
Section 106-L:11 - Attendance by Persons Other Than Police Officers. - Source. 2017, 206:1, eff. Sept. 8, 2017.
Section 106-L:12 - Tuition Students. - Source. 2017, 206:1, eff. Sept. 8, 2017.
Section 106-L:13 - Volunteers; Liability Limited. - Source. 2017, 206:1, eff. Sept. 8, 2017.
Section 106-L:14 - Firearms Instructors; Liability Limited. - Source. 2017, 206:1, eff. Sept. 8, 2017.
Section 106-L:15 - Prior Certification. - Source. 2017, 206:1, eff. Sept. 8, 2017.
Section 106-L:16 - Police Psychological Stability Screening Fund. - Source. 2020, 12:22, eff. Sept. 14, 2020.
Section 106-L:17 - The Law Enforcement Conduct Review Committee. - Source. 2022, 312:10, eff. Jan. 1, 2023.
Section 106-L:18 - Responsibilities of the Committee. - Source. 2022, 312:10, eff. Jan. 1, 2023.
Section 106-L:19 - Law Enforcement Agencies; Duty to Adopt a Valid Internal Affairs Program. - Source. 2022, 312:10, eff. Jan. 1, 2023.
Section 106-L:20 - Law Enforcement Agencies; Duty to Report an Allegation of Misconduct. - Source. 2022, 312:10, eff. Jan. 1, 2023.
Section 106-L:21 - Investigations. - Source. 2022, 312:10, eff. Jan. 1, 2023.
Section 106-L:22 - Accessibility and Confidentiality. - Source. 2022, 312:10, eff. Jan. 1, 2023.
Section 106-L:23 - Statute of Limitations. - Source. 2022, 312:10, eff. Jan. 1, 2023.
Title 106-M - Blue Alert
Section 106-M:1 - Definitions. - Source. 2019, 122:1, eff. Aug. 20, 2019.
Section 106-M:2 - Blue Alert Program Established. - Source. 2019, 122:1, eff. Aug. 20, 2019.