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Section 102:1 - Declaration of Policy. - Source. 1939, 154:1. 1941, 192:1. RL 220:1. 1945, 202:1, eff....
Section 102:2 - Definitions. - Source. 1939, 154:2. 1941, 192:2. RL 220:2.
Section 102:3 - Board of Trustees. - Source. 1939, 154:3. 1941, 192:3. RL 220:3. RSA 102:3. 1967,...
Section 102:4 - Membership. - Source. 1939, 154:4. 1941, 192:4. RL 220:4. RSA 102:4. 1967,...
Section 102:5 - Extended Coverage. - Source. 1941, 192:5. RL 220:5. 1945, 202:2. 1947, 54:1. RSA...
Section 102:6 - Duties of Retirement Board. - Source. 1939, 154:5. 1941, 192:6. RL 220:6.
Section 102:7 - Individual Accounts. - Source. 1939, 154:6. 1941, 192:7. RL 220:7.
Section 102:8 - Retirement Fund. - Source. 1939, 154:7. 1941, 192:8. RL 220:8.
Section 102:9 - Assessments From Firemen. - Source. 1941, 192:9. RL 220:9. 1947, 54:2. RSA 102:9. 1957,...
Section 102:10 - Contributions. - Source. 1941, 192:9. RL 220:10. RSA 102:10. 1965, 177:1. 1977,...
Section 102:11 - Normal Contribution Rate. - Source. 1939, 154:8. RL 220:11. 1947, 54:3. RSA 102:11. 1967,...
Section 102:12 - Administration of the Retirement Fund. - Source. 1939, 154:9. RL 220:12. RSA 102:12. 1965, 115:3, eff....
Section 102:13 - Retirement. - Source. 1939, 154:10. 1941, 192:10. RL 220:13. 1949, 220:2. RSA...
Section 102:14 - Limitation. - Source. 1941, 192:11. RL 220:14. 1947, 54:4, eff. Mar. 27,...
Section 102:15 - Retirement. - Source. 1939, 154:11. 1941, 192:12. RL 220:15. 1949, 220:1. RSA...
Section 102:16 - Optional Retirement Benefits. - Source. 1949, 220:3. RSA 102:16. 1967, 337:1. 1969, 473:1. 1975,...
Section 102:16-a - Allowance to Certain Beneficiaries. - Source. 1970, 12:2, eff. June 27, 1970.
Section 102:16-b - Optional Benefits Continued. - Source. 1975, 195:2, eff. Aug. 1, 1975.
Section 102:17 - In Case of Death or Disability. - Source. 1939, 154:12. 1941, 192:13. RL 220:16. 1945, 202:3. 1953,...
Section 102:18 - Ordinary Disability; Medical Examination. - Source. 1945, 202:4. 1947, 54:5. RSA 102:18. 1955, 112:2. 1957,...
Section 102:19 - Eligibility and Application for Benefits. - Source. 1939, 154:13. 1941, 192:14. RL 220:17. RSA 102:19. 1959,...
Section 102:20 - Military Service; Sickness. - Source. 1945, 202:5, eff. May 18, 1945.
Section 102:21 - Resignation, Dismissal, Reinstatement and Withdrawal. - Source. 1939, 154:14. 1941, 192:15. RL 220:18. 1945, 202:6. 1953,...
Section 102:22 - Beneficiary and Guardian. - Source. 1947, 54:6, eff. Mar. 27, 1947.
Section 102:23 - Exemption of Contributions and Benefits; Assignability. - Source. 1939, 154:15. 1941, 192:16. RL 220:19. 1945, 202:7, eff....
Section 102:23-a - Authorized Deductions. - Source. 1965, 244:1, eff. Aug. 31, 1965.
Section 102:24 - Forfeiture of Right to Reinstatement. - Source. 1947, 54:7, eff. Mar. 27, 1947.
Section 102:25 - Transfer Authorized. - Source. 1957, 155:2, eff. July 1, 1957.
Section 102:26 - Transfer of Reserves. - Source. 1957, 155:1, eff. July 1, 1957.
Section 102:27 - Benefits. - Source. 1957, 155:1, eff. July 1, 1957.