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NRS 460.010 - Procurement, processing, distribution or use of certain body parts or products constitutes service; no implied warranties; limited liability. - The procurement, processing, distribution or use of any: 1. Whole...
NRS 460.020 - Identifying data concerning person with history of viral hepatitis may be furnished to blood bank; confidentiality and unlawful use of data; penalty. - 1. The State Board of Health, the Chief Medical Officer...
NRS 460.030 - Persons who store or transfuse products made from blood: Records of receipt and disposition; tests; equipment. - Any physician, hospital, clinic, surgical center for ambulatory patients or...
NRS 460.040 - Minimum age for donation with and without consent of parent or guardian. - 1. Any person who is 16 years of age may...
NRS 460.100 - Definitions. - As used in NRS 460.100 to 460.160, inclusive, unless the...
NRS 460.110 - "Anatomical gift" defined. - "Anatomical gift" has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS...
NRS 460.133 - "Dean" defined. - "Dean" means the Dean of the School of Medicine or...
NRS 460.139 - "School of Medicine" defined. - "School of Medicine" means the University of Nevada School of...
NRS 460.140 - Duties of School of Medicine; "donor" defined. - 1. The School of Medicine shall: (a) Establish and carry...
NRS 460.150 - Gifts, grants, appropriations and donations: Authority of School of Medicine; Anatomical Gift Account; disposition of money and claims. - 1. The School of Medicine may apply for and accept...
NRS 460.160 - Prohibition on discrimination on basis of disability; circumstances under which consideration of disability proper; duties of provider; exceptions; aggrieved person may institute civil action. - 1. A provider of medical or related services shall not,...