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NRS 267.010 - Definitions. - As used in NRS 267.010 to 267.140, inclusive: 1. "Commission...
NRS 267.020 - City may adopt commission form of government. - Any incorporated city in the State of Nevada may adopt...
NRS 267.030 - Petition for adoption of commission form of government; election of electors to frame charter. - Whenever the qualified voters of any incorporated city desiring to...
NRS 267.040 - Nomination and election of electors to frame charter. - Nominations of the electors must be made by petition of...
NRS 267.050 - Canvass of returns of election; issuance of certificates of election. - Within 6 working days after the date of the election,...
NRS 267.060 - Elected persons to frame charter; publication and posting of charter; affidavits of publication and posting. - 1. The persons elected as provided for in NRS 267.050...
NRS 267.070 - Election for adoption or rejection of charter: Publication of charter; form of ballot; alternative propositions. - 1. The governing body of the incorporated city shall cause...
NRS 267.080 - Canvass and declaration of result of election; when charter becomes organic law of city. - The officers conducting the election shall make returns thereof within...
NRS 267.090 - Certification of charter. - If upon the canvass it is found that a majority...
NRS 267.100 - Recording and attesting of charter and amendments; judicial notice of charter and amendments. - 1. Immediately after being certified as provided in NRS 267.090,...
NRS 267.110 - Powers of city with commission form of government; contents of charter. - 1. Any city having adopted a charter pursuant to the...
NRS 267.120 - General powers of a city with commission form of government. - Any city adopting a charter under the provisions of NRS...
NRS 267.123 - Public works: City’s powers subordinate to powers of regional planning agency. - In any region of this state for which there has...
NRS 267.125 - Land improvement fund: Creation by ordinance; composition; expenditures. - 1. The governing body of a city having the type...
NRS 267.140 - Election to terminate commission form of government: Notice; form of ballot; canvass and results. - 1. The governing body of an incorporated city having a...
NRS 267.450 - Definitions. - Except where the context otherwise requires, the definitions in NRS...
NRS 267.455 - "Acquisition" and "acquire" defined. - "Acquisition" or "acquire" means the opening, laying out, establishment, purchase,...
NRS 267.460 - "Drainage project" defined. - "Drainage project" means any natural and artificial water facilities for...
NRS 267.465 - "Federal Government" defined. - "Federal Government" means the United States of America, or any...
NRS 267.470 - "Governing body" defined. - "Governing body" means the city council, city commission, board of...
NRS 267.475 - "Improvement" and "improve" defined. - "Improvement" or "improve" means the extension, widening, lengthening, betterment, alteration,...
NRS 267.480 - "Municipal" defined. - "Municipal" means pertaining to a municipality as defined in NRS...
NRS 267.485 - "Municipality" defined. - "Municipality" means any incorporated city organized pursuant to NRS 267.010...
NRS 267.490 - "Project" defined. - "Project" means the acquisition, improvement and equipment (or any combination...
NRS 267.495 - "Sewerage project" defined. - "Sewerage project" means facilities pertaining to a municipal sanitary sewerage...
NRS 267.500 - "Water project" defined. - "Water project" means facilities pertaining to a municipal water system...
NRS 267.505 - Request by municipality for Federal Government to undertake project; approval by electors of incurrence of indebtedness. - The governing body of any municipality, on its behalf and...
NRS 267.510 - Repayment contracts: Powers of municipality. - In the contracts, documents and other instruments designated in NRS...
NRS 267.515 - Cooperation with Federal Government. - Any municipality may cooperate with the Federal Government in connection...
NRS 267.520 - Validation and ratification of contracts outstanding on March 28, 1969. - All outstanding contracts, documents and other instruments pertaining to any...
NRS 267.525 - Legislative authority for validation of contracts and projects. - 1. This section and NRS 267.520 shall operate to supply...
NRS 267.530 - Liberal construction. - NRS 267.450 to 267.525, inclusive, being necessary to secure the...