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Part 1. General Provisions
44-1-101. Creation of highway patrol - 44-1-101. Creation of highway patrol. There is hereby created a...
44-1-102. General duties of department of justice - 44-1-102. General duties of department of justice. The department of...
44-1-103. Authority to make rules - 44-1-103. Authority to make rules. The department of justice may...
44-1-104. Duty to furnish governor with transportation - 44-1-104. Duty to furnish governor with transportation. The department of...
44-1-105. Department of justice to furnish equipment - 44-1-105. Department of justice to furnish equipment. The department of...
44-1-106. Authority of department of justice to dispose of equipment - 44-1-106. Authority of department of justice to dispose of equipment....
44-1-107. through 44-1-109 reserved - 44-1-107 through 44-1-109 reserved.
44-1-110. Highway patrol administration state special revenue account - 44-1-110. Highway patrol administration state special revenue account. (1) There...
Part 2. Highway Patrol Chief
44-1-201. Appointment and tenure - 44-1-201. Appointment and tenure. The attorney general shall select a...
44-1-202. Qualifications - 44-1-202. Qualifications. The person named as chief shall have been...
44-1-203. Salary and expenses - 44-1-203. Salary and expenses. The chief shall receive a salary...
Part 3. Powers and Duties of Chief Relating to Patrol Officers
44-1-301. General supervisory powers - 44-1-301. General supervisory powers. The chief shall have direct control...
44-1-302. Powers relating to supervisory personnel -- quotas prohibited - 44-1-302. Powers relating to supervisory personnel -- quotas prohibited. The...
44-1-303. Duties - 44-1-303. Duties. The chief, with the approval of the attorney...
Part 4. Appointment of Patrol Officers
44-1-401. Qualifications of patrol officers - 44-1-401. Qualifications of patrol officers. Patrol officers shall possess the...
44-1-402. Appointment of supervisory personnel - 44-1-402. Appointment of supervisory personnel. Supervisory personnel shall be selected...
44-1-403. Repealed - 44-1-403. Repealed. Sec. 2, Ch. 414, L. 1991. History: En....
44-1-404. Status of replacements for patrol officers who enter the armed forces - 44-1-404. Status of replacements for patrol officers who enter the...
Part 5. Salaries and Expenses
44-1-501. Payment of expenses - 44-1-501. Payment of expenses. The highway patrol must be partially...
44-1-502. Repealed - 44-1-502. Repealed. Sec. 2, Ch. 363, L. 1987. History: En....
44-1-503. Salary upon permanent appointment - 44-1-503. Salary upon permanent appointment. If a probationary patrol officer...
44-1-504. Special revenue account to partially fund highway patrol officers' salaries - 44-1-504. (Temporary) Special revenue account to partially fund highway patrol...
44-1-505. through 44-1-510 reserved - 44-1-505 through 44-1-510 reserved.
44-1-511. Payment of salary benefit to officers injured in performance of duty - 44-1-511. Payment of salary benefit to officers injured in performance...
44-1-512. Determination of eligibility for salary benefit - 44-1-512. Determination of eligibility for salary benefit. (1) The highway...
44-1-513. Periodic medical examinations -- waiver of right to salary benefit - 44-1-513. Periodic medical examinations -- waiver of right to salary...
44-1-514. Discontinuation of salary benefit when retirement allowance granted - 44-1-514. Discontinuation of salary benefit when retirement allowance granted. Payment...
44-1-515. Assignment to light duty or another position within department of justice - 44-1-515. Assignment to light duty or another position within department...
44-1-516. Effect on probationary status - 44-1-516. Effect on probationary status. If the injured officer is...
44-1-517. Subrogation - 44-1-517. Subrogation. The state has a cause of action for...
44-1-518. Contribution for retirement -- length of service credit -- transfer of retirement contributions - 44-1-518. Contribution for retirement -- length of service credit --...
Part 6. Probationary Status and Tenure
44-1-601. Probationary training and service -- patrol officers - 44-1-601. Probationary training and service -- patrol officers. A new...
44-1-602. Probationary training and service -- supervisory personnel - 44-1-602. Probationary training and service -- supervisory personnel. All newly...
44-1-603. through 44-1-610 reserved - 44-1-603 through 44-1-610 reserved.
44-1-611. Tenure - 44-1-611. Tenure. Each person employed or appointed and designated as...
44-1-612. Cause for suspension, demotion, or discharge - 44-1-612. Cause for suspension, demotion, or discharge. Cause for suspension,...
Part 7. Disciplinary Action -- Preliminary Procedure
44-1-701. Authority of department of justice to suspend or demote - 44-1-701. Authority of department of justice to suspend or demote....
44-1-702. Preferring charges - 44-1-702. Preferring charges. (1) The charge or charges against any...
44-1-703. When charges dismissed - 44-1-703. When charges dismissed. When charges are filed and the...
44-1-704. When department of justice to order hearing - 44-1-704. When department of justice to order hearing. When charges...
44-1-705. Suspension pending hearing and decision - 44-1-705. Suspension pending hearing and decision. If the department of...
Part 8. Disciplinary Action -- Hearing and Decision
44-1-801. Notice of hearing - 44-1-801. Notice of hearing. (1) The department of justice shall,...
44-1-802. Authority of department of justice -- conduct of hearing - 44-1-802. Authority of department of justice -- conduct of hearing....
44-1-803. Rights of accused - 44-1-803. Rights of accused. The accused patrol officer is entitled...
44-1-804. Rendering and filing of decision - 44-1-804. Rendering and filing of decision. The department of justice...
44-1-805. Reinstatement and backpay upon exoneration - 44-1-805. Reinstatement and backpay upon exoneration. If after the hearing...
44-1-806. Disciplinary action - 44-1-806. Disciplinary action. (1) If after a hearing, the department...
44-1-807. Length of suspension - 44-1-807. Length of suspension. A member under suspension shall be...
44-1-808. Demotion pay status - 44-1-808. Demotion pay status. In cases of disciplinary action resulting...
Part 9. Disciplinary Action -- Appeal to Court
44-1-901. Right to appeal - 44-1-901. Right to appeal. (1) A patrol officer who is...
44-1-902. Action by court - 44-1-902. Action by court. The district court shall review a...
44-1-903. Reinstatement and backpay upon reversal or modification - 44-1-903. Reinstatement and backpay upon reversal or modification. If the...
44-1-904. through 44-1-908 reserved - 44-1-904 through 44-1-908 reserved.
44-1-909. Exemption - 44-1-909. Exemption. A member of the highway patrol covered by...
44-1-910. Waiver - 44-1-910. Waiver. A patrol officer may waive, in writing, the...
Part 10. Jurisdiction of Patrol Officers
44-1-1001. Offenses for which patrol officers may make arrests - 44-1-1001. Offenses for which patrol officers may make arrests. (1)...
44-1-1002. No authority in labor disputes - 44-1-1002. No authority in labor disputes. Such highway patrol officers...
44-1-1003. Offenses on highways, rest areas, and state highway properties adjacent to the highway or involving motor vehicles - 44-1-1003. Offenses on highways, rest areas, and state highway properties...
44-1-1004. Authority concerning livestock or livestock products in transit - 44-1-1004. Authority concerning livestock or livestock products in transit. Patrol...
44-1-1005. Motor carriers safety -- enforcement -- violations - 44-1-1005. Motor carriers safety -- enforcement -- violations. (1) The...
Part 11. Procedure for Arrests
44-1-1101. Duty of patrol officer upon making arrest - 44-1-1101. Duty of patrol officer upon making arrest. Upon making...
44-1-1102. Procedure when patrol officer accepts bail or driver's license in lieu of bail - 44-1-1102. Procedure when patrol officer accepts bail or driver's license...
44-1-1103. Check in lieu of cash - 44-1-1103. Check in lieu of cash. (1) In the case...