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Part 1. General Provisions
10-1-101. Definitions - 10-1-101. Definitions. Unless the context requires otherwise, in this title,...
10-1-102. Powers and duties of department of military affairs - 10-1-102. Powers and duties of department of military affairs. Under...
10-1-103. Classes of militia - 10-1-103. Classes of militia. The classes of the militia are:...
10-1-104. Federal regulations to govern - 10-1-104. Federal regulations to govern. (1) Federal laws and regulations,...
10-1-105. Rules and regulations by governor and adjutant general - 10-1-105. Rules and regulations by governor and adjutant general. (1)...
10-1-106. Proclamation of martial rule - 10-1-106. Proclamation of martial rule. (1) Subject to subsections (2)...
10-1-107. Property remains public property - 10-1-107. Property remains public property. All property issued to organizations...
10-1-108. Armories -- acquisition and sale -- proceeds -- account -- utilities easements - 10-1-108. Armories -- acquisition and sale -- proceeds -- account...
10-1-109. Lease of real property for military facilities - 10-1-109. Lease of real property for military facilities. The department...
10-1-110. Repealed - 10-1-110. Repealed. Sec. 16, Ch. 724, L. 1991. History: En....
10-1-111. Immunity from liability - 10-1-111. Immunity from liability. The state, an officer, employee, or...
10-1-112. Access to confidential criminal justice information - 10-1-112. Access to confidential criminal justice information. The adjutant general...
10-1-113. through 10-1-120 reserved - 10-1-113 through 10-1-120 reserved.
10-1-121. Repealed - 10-1-121. Repealed. Sec. 3, Ch. 577, L. 2005. History: En....
Part 2. Officers of Militia
10-1-201. Officers - 10-1-201. Officers. (1) The governor shall appoint all officers of...
10-1-202. Oath of office - 10-1-202. Oath of office. (1) Except when a comparable oath...
10-1-203. Retirement of officers - 10-1-203. Retirement of officers. (1) An officer of the national...
10-1-204. Resignation of officers - 10-1-204. Resignation of officers. An officer may resign, but the...
10-1-205. Vacating commissions or warrants - 10-1-205. Vacating commissions or warrants. The commission or warrant of...
10-1-206. Examination as to fitness -- board of examination - 10-1-206. Examination as to fitness -- board of examination. (1)...
10-1-207. Repealed - 10-1-207. Repealed. Sec. 1, Ch. 183, L. 2019. History: En....
10-1-208. Officer need not vacate civil office - 10-1-208. Officer need not vacate civil office. A person may...
Part 3. Enlisted Members
10-1-301. Terms of enlistment - 10-1-301. Terms of enlistment. Except as otherwise provided by federal...
10-1-302. Oath of enlistment - 10-1-302. Oath of enlistment. (1) Except when a comparable oath...
10-1-303. Extension of terms of service - 10-1-303. Extension of terms of service. If an emergency is...
10-1-304. Retirement of enlisted members - 10-1-304. Retirement of enlisted members. An enlisted member of the...
Part 4. Military Courts
10-1-401. Courts -- composition, jurisdiction, powers, and procedures - 10-1-401. Courts -- composition, jurisdiction, powers, and procedures. The military...
10-1-402. Persons subject - 10-1-402. Persons subject. All members of the organized militia and...
10-1-403. Territorial applicability - 10-1-403. Territorial applicability. (1) This part is applicable in all...
10-1-404. Persons authorized to execute process - 10-1-404. Persons authorized to execute process. All processes, writs, warrants,...
10-1-405. Confinement of persons committed by military court - 10-1-405. Confinement of persons committed by military court. The keepers...
10-1-406. Reporter and witness fees - 10-1-406. Reporter and witness fees. A witness subpoenaed to appear...
10-1-407. Fees of civil officers -- records - 10-1-407. Fees of civil officers -- records. Fees for services...
10-1-408. Trial by civil authority -- when authorized - 10-1-408. Trial by civil authority -- when authorized. In a...
10-1-409. and 10-1-410 reserved - 10-1-409 and 10-1-410 reserved.
10-1-411. Administration of military justice - 10-1-411. Administration of military justice. (1) When a court-martial is...
Part 5. Compensation for Militia
10-1-501. Pay for militia - 10-1-501. Pay for militia. (1) When the organized militia is...
10-1-502. Pay and allowances - 10-1-502. Pay and allowances. (1) An officer ordered into active...
10-1-503. Repealed - 10-1-503. Repealed. Sec. 1, Ch. 183, L. 2019. History: En....
10-1-504. Repealed - 10-1-504. Repealed. Sec. 13, Ch. 430, L. 1983. History: En....
10-1-505. State duty for special work -- definition - 10-1-505. State duty for special work -- definition. (1) To...
Part 6. Rights of and Duties Owed Militia
10-1-601. Actions against militia members -- attorney fees - 10-1-601. Actions against militia members -- attorney fees. When an...
10-1-602. Right-of-way while performing military duty - 10-1-602. Right-of-way while performing military duty. (1) The commanding officer...
10-1-603. Repealed - 10-1-603. Repealed. Sec. 27, Ch. 381, L. 2005. History: En....
10-1-604. Renumbered 10-1-1009 - 10-1-604. Renumbered 10-1-1009. Sec. 28, Ch. 381, L. 2005.
10-1-605. Repealed - 10-1-605. Repealed. Sec. 75, Ch. 492, L. 2001. History: En....
10-1-606. Suspension of property taxes for persons in military service - 10-1-606. Suspension of property taxes for persons in military service....
10-1-607. through 10-1-610 reserved - 10-1-607 through 10-1-610 reserved.
10-1-611. Authority of commanding officer to arrest - 10-1-611. Authority of commanding officer to arrest. The commanding officer...
10-1-612. Arrest of trespassers and disturbers - 10-1-612. Arrest of trespassers and disturbers. (1) The commanding officer...
10-1-613. Unlawful sale or detention of military property - 10-1-613. Unlawful sale or detention of military property. A person...
10-1-614. Unlawful wearing of uniform - 10-1-614. Unlawful wearing of uniform. A person who is not...
10-1-615. Misdemeanor violations - 10-1-615. Misdemeanor violations. A person who violates 10-1-613 or 10-1-614...
Part 7. Home Guard
10-1-701. Home guard -- organization and composition - 10-1-701. Home guard -- organization and composition. The home guard...
10-1-702. Gubernatorial rules for guard - 10-1-702. Gubernatorial rules for guard. The home guard shall be...
10-1-703. Use of armories and equipment - 10-1-703. Use of armories and equipment. The governor may make...
10-1-704. Pay and allowances - 10-1-704. Pay and allowances. An officer or member of the...
Part 8. National Guard Reenlistment or Extension Incentive (Repealed)
10-1-801. Repealed - 10-1-801. Repealed. Sec. 1, Ch. 202, L. 2015. History: En....
10-1-802. Repealed - 10-1-802. Repealed. Sec. 1, Ch. 202, L. 2015. History: En....
10-1-803. Repealed - 10-1-803. Repealed. Sec. 1, Ch. 202, L. 2015. History: En....
10-1-804. Repealed - 10-1-804. Repealed. Sec. 1, Ch. 202, L. 2015. History: En....
10-1-805. Repealed - 10-1-805. Repealed. Sec. 1, Ch. 202, L. 2015. History: En....
10-1-806. Repealed - 10-1-806. Repealed. Sec. 1, Ch. 202, L. 2015. History: En....
Part 9. Montana National Guard Civil Relief
10-1-901. Short title - 10-1-901. Short title. This part may be cited as the...
10-1-902. Definitions - 10-1-902. Definitions. As used in this part, the following definitions...
10-1-903. Relief from actions related to mortgage, lease, or rental payments - 10-1-903. Relief from actions related to mortgage, lease, or rental...
10-1-904. General relief from court actions - 10-1-904. General relief from court actions. If a plaintiff or...
Part 10. Montana Military Service Employment Rights
10-1-1001. Short title - 10-1-1001. Short title. This part may be cited as the...
10-1-1002. Purpose -- legislative intent - 10-1-1002. Purpose -- legislative intent. The purpose of this part...
10-1-1003. Definitions - 10-1-1003. Definitions. Unless the context requires otherwise, as used in...
10-1-1004. Rights under federal law - 10-1-1004. Rights under federal law. A person ordered to federally...
10-1-1005. Prohibition against employment discrimination - 10-1-1005. Prohibition against employment discrimination. An employer may not deny...
10-1-1006. Entitlement to leave of absence - 10-1-1006. Entitlement to leave of absence. (1) A member ordered...
10-1-1007. Right to return to employment without loss of benefits -- exceptions -- definition - 10-1-1007. Right to return to employment without loss of benefits...
10-1-1008. Leave of absence for elected officials -- restoration to office - 10-1-1008. Leave of absence for elected officials -- restoration to...
10-1-1009. Paid military leave for public employees - 10-1-1009. Paid military leave for public employees. (1) (a) An...
10-1-1010. Appointment of acting officials - 10-1-1010. Appointment of acting officials. (1) When an elected official...
10-1-1011. through 10-1-1014 reserved - 10-1-1011 through 10-1-1014 reserved.
10-1-1015. Procedure for filing complaint - 10-1-1015. Procedure for filing complaint. (1) A person entitled to...
10-1-1016. Assistance, investigation, and enforcement of complaints - 10-1-1016. Assistance, investigation, and enforcement of complaints. (1) The department...
10-1-1017. Enforcement and investigative powers of department - 10-1-1017. Enforcement and investigative powers of department. To carry out...
10-1-1018. Referral of complaint to state attorney general - 10-1-1018. Referral of complaint to state attorney general. (1) A...
10-1-1019. Independent lawsuit not precluded -- exhaustion of administrative remedies - 10-1-1019. Independent lawsuit not precluded -- exhaustion of administrative remedies....
10-1-1020. Jurisdiction -- venue -- standing -- respondent -- time limit -- expedited hearing - 10-1-1020. Jurisdiction -- venue -- standing -- respondent -- time...
10-1-1021. Court remedies - 10-1-1021. Court remedies. (1) In a lawsuit initiated pursuant to...
10-1-1022. Special revenue account for payment to claimants - 10-1-1022. Special revenue account for payment to claimants. (1) There...
10-1-1023. through 10-1-1026 reserved - 10-1-1023 through 10-1-1026 reserved.
10-1-1027. Rulemaking authority - 10-1-1027. Rulemaking authority. The department and the department of justice...
Part 11. National Guard Life Insurance Reimbursement
10-1-1101. Terminated - 10-1-1101. Terminated. Sec. 9, Ch. 604, L. 2005. History: En....
10-1-1102. Terminated - 10-1-1102. Terminated. Sec. 9, Ch. 604, L. 2005. History: En....
10-1-1103. Terminated - 10-1-1103. Terminated. Sec. 9, Ch. 604, L. 2005. History: En....
10-1-1104. Terminated - 10-1-1104. Terminated. Sec. 9, Ch. 604, L. 2005. History: En....
10-1-1105. through 10-1-1110 reserved - 10-1-1105 through 10-1-1110 reserved.
10-1-1111. Legislative findings -- purpose - 10-1-1111. Legislative findings -- purpose. (1) The legislature finds that:...
10-1-1112. Definitions - 10-1-1112. Definitions. As used in 10-1-1111 through 10-1-1114, unless the...
10-1-1113. Account for service members' life insurance - 10-1-1113. Account for service members' life insurance. (1) There is...
10-1-1114. Military service members' life insurance -- reimbursement -- eligibility - 10-1-1114. Military service members' life insurance -- reimbursement -- eligibility....
Part 12. Active Duty Death Benefit
10-1-1201. Death while on state duty -- death benefit payment -- certification -- rules - 10-1-1201. Death while on state duty -- death benefit payment...
10-1-1202. Statutory appropriation - 10-1-1202. Statutory appropriation. The payment to a beneficiary certified pursuant...
Part 13. Montana Military Family Relief Fund Act
10-1-1301. Short title - 10-1-1301. Short title. This part may be cited as the...
10-1-1302. Montana military family relief fund -- purpose -- administration - 10-1-1302. Montana military family relief fund -- purpose -- administration....
10-1-1303. Fund account -- statutory appropriation - 10-1-1303. Fund account -- statutory appropriation. (1) There is a...
10-1-1304. Definitions - 10-1-1304. Definitions. As used in this part, the following definitions...
10-1-1305. Allowable uses of account - 10-1-1305. Allowable uses of account. Subject to the availability of...
10-1-1306. Ineligibility for grants - 10-1-1306. Ineligibility for grants. (1) (a) A member who at...
10-1-1307. Rules - 10-1-1307. Rules. The department shall adopt rules pursuant to 10-1-105...
10-1-1308. Grant application -- review -- approval or denial - 10-1-1308. Grant application -- review -- approval or denial. (1)...
10-1-1309. Review if application denied - 10-1-1309. Review if application denied. (1) If the adjutant general...
10-1-1310. Contributions to fund - 10-1-1310. Contributions to fund. The department may accept monetary contributions,...
Part 14. National Guard Youth Challenge Program
10-1-1401. Montana national guard youth challenge program authorized - 10-1-1401. Montana national guard youth challenge program authorized. A youth...
10-1-1402. Legislative intent - 10-1-1402. Legislative intent. It is the intent of the legislature...
10-1-1403. Administration and staff - 10-1-1403. Administration and staff. Subject to 32 U.S.C. 509 and...
Part 15. Military Area Compatibility Act
10-1-1501. Short title - 10-1-1501. Short title. This part may be cited as the...
10-1-1502. Legislative findings -- purpose - 10-1-1502. Legislative findings -- purpose. The legislature finds and declares...
10-1-1503. Military affected areas -- definitions - 10-1-1503. Military affected areas -- definitions. For the purposes of...
10-1-1504. Designation of military affected areas -- public hearing required -- joint regulation board authorized - 10-1-1504. Designation of military affected areas -- public hearing required...
10-1-1505. Military affected area regulations -- contents - 10-1-1505. Military affected area regulations -- contents. (1) Regulations adopted...
10-1-1506. Regulations relative to zoning ordinances - 10-1-1506. Regulations relative to zoning ordinances. (1) Subject to subsection...
10-1-1507. through 10-1-1510 reserved - 10-1-1507 through 10-1-1510 reserved.
10-1-1511. Prior nonconforming uses - 10-1-1511. Prior nonconforming uses. (1) All regulations adopted under this...
10-1-1512. Permit system - 10-1-1512. Permit system. (1) The regulations adopted pursuant to this...
10-1-1513. Enforcement - 10-1-1513. Enforcement. The governing body or its designated agent or...
10-1-1514. Appeals - 10-1-1514. Appeals. (1) The governing body that designated the military...
10-1-1515. Variance - 10-1-1515. Variance. (1) A person intending to erect or increase...
10-1-1516. Penalty - 10-1-1516. Penalty. A person who violates the provisions of this...
10-1-1517. Injunction - 10-1-1517. Injunction. A local governing body may institute in any...