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13-1-501. Purpose -- definition - 13-1-501. Purpose -- definition. (1) The purpose of this part...
13-1-502. Deadlines for candidate filing, write-in candidacy, and withdrawal -- election cancellation -- election by acclamation - 13-1-502. Deadlines for candidate filing, write-in candidacy, and withdrawal --...
13-1-503. Deadlines for absentee and mail ballots - 13-1-503. Deadlines for absentee and mail ballots. (1) Pursuant to...
13-1-504. Dates for special purpose district elections -- call for election - 13-1-504. Dates for special purpose district elections -- call for...
13-1-505. Conduct of elections - 13-1-505. Conduct of elections. (1) A special purpose district election...
13-1-506. Provision for vote by corporate or company property owner - 13-1-506. Provision for vote by corporate or company property owner....