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7-4-4501. Duties of city clerk related to administration - 7-4-4501. Duties of city clerk related to administration. It is...
7-4-4502. Duties of city clerk related to city records and papers - 7-4-4502. Duties of city clerk related to city records and...
7-4-4503. City ordinance book - 7-4-4503. City ordinance book. The book required by 7-4-4501(2) is...
7-4-4504. through 7-4-4510 reserved - 7-4-4504 through 7-4-4510 reserved.
7-4-4511. Duties of town clerk related to administration - 7-4-4511. Duties of town clerk related to administration. It shall...
7-4-4512. Duties of town clerk related to town records and papers - 7-4-4512. Duties of town clerk related to town records and...
7-4-4513. Town ordinance book - 7-4-4513. Town ordinance book. The book required by 7-4-4511(2) is...