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10-3-401. Local and interjurisdictional disaster and emergency plan -- distribution - 10-3-401. Local and interjurisdictional disaster and emergency plan -- distribution....
10-3-402. Local emergency -- declaration and termination - 10-3-402. Local emergency -- declaration and termination. (1) A local...
10-3-403. Local disaster -- declaration and termination - 10-3-403. Local disaster -- declaration and termination. (1) A disaster...
10-3-404. Contents of order -- effect - 10-3-404. Contents of order -- effect. (1) An order or...
10-3-405. Levying emergency tax -- disposition of surplus - 10-3-405. Levying emergency tax -- disposition of surplus. (1) The...
10-3-406. Authority of principal executive officer - 10-3-406. Authority of principal executive officer. (1) Upon the declaration...