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61-5-401. Driver License Compact - 61-5-401. Driver License Compact. This part shall be known and...
61-5-402. Department as licensing authority -- information and documents to be furnished - 61-5-402. Department as licensing authority -- information and documents to...
61-5-403. Reimbursement of compact administrator - 61-5-403. Reimbursement of compact administrator. The compact administrator provided for...
61-5-404. Governor as executive head - 61-5-404. Governor as executive head. As used in the compact,...
61-5-405. Offenses furnishing ground for suspension or revocation of license -- return to licensing jurisdiction of abstracts of court records and reports of conviction - 61-5-405. Offenses furnishing ground for suspension or revocation of license...
61-5-406. Review of administrative actions - 61-5-406. Review of administrative actions. Any act or omission of...