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7-33-2201. Authority of county governing body to protect range, farm, and forest resources - 7-33-2201. Authority of county governing body to protect range, farm,...
7-33-2202. Functions of county governing body - 7-33-2202. Functions of county governing body. (1) The county governing...
7-33-2203. County rural fire chief - 7-33-2203. County rural fire chief. The county rural fire chief...
7-33-2204. Repealed - 7-33-2204. Repealed. Sec. 25, Ch. 499, L. 2007. History: En....
7-33-2205. Establishment of fire season -- permit requirements -- reimbursement of costs - 7-33-2205. Establishment of fire season -- permit requirements -- reimbursement...
7-33-2206. Violations - 7-33-2206. Violations. A person who ignites or sets a fire,...
7-33-2207. Repealed - 7-33-2207. Repealed. Sec. 25, Ch. 499, L. 2007. History: En....
7-33-2208. Fire control powers -- liability - 7-33-2208. Fire control powers -- liability. (1) Any county rural...
7-33-2209. Finance of fire control activities -- voted levy for volunteer firefighters' disability income insurance or workers' compensation coverage - 7-33-2209. Finance of fire control activities -- voted levy for...
7-33-2210. State to be reimbursed for wildland fire suppression activities in noncooperating counties - 7-33-2210. State to be reimbursed for wildland fire suppression activities...
7-33-2211. Levy against certain properties prohibited - 7-33-2211. Levy against certain properties prohibited. The levy authorized by...
7-33-2212. Activity restrictions in high fire hazard areas - 7-33-2212. Activity restrictions in high fire hazard areas. (1) A...
7-33-2213. and 7-33-2214 reserved - 7-33-2213 and 7-33-2214 reserved.
7-33-2215. County firewarden authorized -- duties - 7-33-2215. County firewarden authorized -- duties. (1) A county governing...