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85-7-2001. Limitations on debt-incurring power - 85-7-2001. Limitations on debt-incurring power. (1) The board of commissioners...
85-7-2002. through 85-7-2010 reserved - 85-7-2002 through 85-7-2010 reserved.
85-7-2011. Exemption of irrigation district property - 85-7-2011. Exemption of irrigation district property. The bonds issued under...
85-7-2012. Purposes for which bonds may be issued - 85-7-2012. Purposes for which bonds may be issued. The board...
85-7-2013. Majority vote, petition, and protest requirements - 85-7-2013. Majority vote, petition, and protest requirements. (1) Bonds provided...
85-7-2014. Procedure after election, petition, or resolution filed - 85-7-2014. Procedure after election, petition, or resolution filed. Upon an...
85-7-2015. Effect of contracting with United States - 85-7-2015. Effect of contracting with United States. If contract is...
85-7-2016. Repealed - 85-7-2016. Repealed. Sec. 17, Ch. 495, L. 2021. History: En....
85-7-2017. Repealed - 85-7-2017. Repealed. Sec. 17, Ch. 495, L. 2021. History: En....
85-7-2018. Repealed - 85-7-2018. Repealed. Sec. 17, Ch. 495, L. 2021. History: En....
85-7-2019. Refunding bonds - 85-7-2019. Refunding bonds. (1) Any irrigation district may issue refunding...
85-7-2020. Details relating to bonds - 85-7-2020. Details relating to bonds. (1) All bonds issued under...
85-7-2021. Liens of bonds - 85-7-2021. Liens of bonds. (1) All bonds issued under this...
85-7-2022. Sale of bonds - 85-7-2022. Sale of bonds. Bonds issued under the provisions of...
85-7-2023. Notice of sale of bonds - 85-7-2023. Notice of sale of bonds. Except as provided in...
85-7-2024. Issuance of bonds for direct contract payments - 85-7-2024. Issuance of bonds for direct contract payments. Any bonds...
85-7-2025. Cancellation of unused bonds - 85-7-2025. Cancellation of unused bonds. Any bonds which may have...
85-7-2026. Delivery of bonds - 85-7-2026. Delivery of bonds. If bonds are sold for cash,...
85-7-2027. Disposition of bond proceeds - 85-7-2027. Disposition of bond proceeds. The county treasurer shall place...
85-7-2028. through 85-7-2030 reserved - 85-7-2028 through 85-7-2030 reserved.
85-7-2031. Amending or supplementing United States contracts -- effect on indebtedness - 85-7-2031. Amending or supplementing United States contracts -- effect on...
85-7-2032. Amending or supplementing United States contracts -- petition, election, or resolution not necessary - 85-7-2032. Amending or supplementing United States contracts -- petition, election,...
85-7-2033. Private sale of bonds - 85-7-2033. Private sale of bonds. The district may sell bonds...
85-7-2034. through 85-7-2040 reserved - 85-7-2034 through 85-7-2040 reserved.
85-7-2041. Bankruptcy proceedings by irrigation districts - 85-7-2041. Bankruptcy proceedings by irrigation districts. (1) The board of...
85-7-2042. Levy of special taxes or assessments by resolution - 85-7-2042. Levy of special taxes or assessments by resolution. (1)...
85-7-2043. Resolution of intent to levy special taxes or assessments -- determination of irrigable acres - 85-7-2043. Resolution of intent to levy special taxes or assessments...
85-7-2044. Notice of resolution of intention for levy of special taxes or assessments -- hearing -- exception - 85-7-2044. Notice of resolution of intention for levy of special...
85-7-2045. Right to protest levy of special taxes or assessments - 85-7-2045. Right to protest levy of special taxes or assessments....
85-7-2046. Hearing on protest - 85-7-2046. Hearing on protest. (1) At the next regular meeting...
85-7-2047. Sufficient protest to bar issuance of bonds and to postpone further special tax or assessment proceedings - 85-7-2047. Sufficient protest to bar issuance of bonds and to...
85-7-2048. Resolution authorizing special taxes or assessments - 85-7-2048. Resolution authorizing special taxes or assessments. (1) If the...
85-7-2049. Adjournment of hearings on resolutions for special taxes or assessments - 85-7-2049. Adjournment of hearings on resolutions for special taxes or...
85-7-2050. Collection of special taxes or assessments by county treasurer -- delinquencies - 85-7-2050. Collection of special taxes or assessments by county treasurer...