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7-32-201. Definitions - 7-32-201. Definitions. As used in this part, the following definitions...
7-32-202. Prohibition on participation in certain pension and retirement systems - 7-32-202. Prohibition on participation in certain pension and retirement systems....
7-32-203. Provision of workers' compensation coverage - 7-32-203. Provision of workers' compensation coverage. (1) Each law enforcement...
7-32-204. through 7-32-210 reserved - 7-32-204 through 7-32-210 reserved.
7-32-211. Reserve officers authorized - 7-32-211. Reserve officers authorized. A local government may authorize reserve...
7-32-212. Prohibition on reduction of full-time officers - 7-32-212. Prohibition on reduction of full-time officers. A local government...
7-32-213. Qualifications for appointment as reserve officer - 7-32-213. Qualifications for appointment as reserve officer. To be appointed...
7-32-214. Basic training program required - 7-32-214. Basic training program required. (1) A reserve officer may...
7-32-215. Reserve manual required - 7-32-215. Reserve manual required. The authorizing law enforcement agency establishing...
7-32-216. Limitations on activities of reserve officers - 7-32-216. Limitations on activities of reserve officers. (1) A reserve...
7-32-217. Restrictions on carrying weapons - 7-32-217. Restrictions on carrying weapons. No reserve officer may carry...
7-32-218. Status of reserve officer upon activation - 7-32-218. Status of reserve officer upon activation. A reserve officer...
7-32-219. Reserve force coordinator - 7-32-219. Reserve force coordinator. The chief law enforcement administrator of...
7-32-220. Appointment of reserve officer to full-time position - 7-32-220. Appointment of reserve officer to full-time position. A reserve...
7-32-221. Termination of reserve officers - 7-32-221. Termination of reserve officers. Reserve officers serve at the...
7-32-222. Reserve officer change in residency - 7-32-222. Reserve officer change in residency. A reserve officer may...
7-32-223. through 7-32-230 reserved - 7-32-223 through 7-32-230 reserved.
7-32-231. Auxiliary officers authorized - 7-32-231. Auxiliary officers authorized. A local government may authorize auxiliary...
7-32-232. Role of auxiliary officers - 7-32-232. Role of auxiliary officers. (1) Auxiliary officers: (a) are...
7-32-233. Limitation on arrest authority of auxiliary officer - 7-32-233. Limitation on arrest authority of auxiliary officer. An auxiliary...
7-32-234. Exceptions - 7-32-234. Exceptions. Provisions of 7-32-211, 7-32-213, and 7-32-214 do not...
7-32-235. Search and rescue units authorized -- under control of county sheriff -- optional funding - 7-32-235. Search and rescue units authorized -- under control of...
7-32-236. Account for search and rescue unit training and support - 7-32-236. Account for search and rescue unit training and support....
7-32-237. and 7-32-238 reserved - 7-32-237 and 7-32-238 reserved.
7-32-239. Special services officers -- authorization -- role - 7-32-239. Special services officers -- authorization -- role. (1) Special...
7-32-240. Certification of Montana peace officer who leaves full-time or part-time employment to enter active reserve status in Montana -- definition - 7-32-240. Certification of Montana peace officer who leaves full-time or...