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72-2-1001. Short title - 72-2-1001. Short title. This part may be cited as the...
72-2-1002. Statutory rule against perpetuities - 72-2-1002. Statutory rule against perpetuities. (1) A nonvested property interest...
72-2-1003. When nonvested property interest or power of appointment created - 72-2-1003. When nonvested property interest or power of appointment created....
72-2-1004. Reformation - 72-2-1004. Reformation. Upon the petition of an interested person, a...
72-2-1005. Exclusions from statutory rule against perpetuities - 72-2-1005. Exclusions from statutory rule against perpetuities. Section 72-2-1002 does...
72-2-1006. Prospective application - 72-2-1006. Prospective application. (1) Except as extended by subsection (2),...
72-2-1007. Uniformity of application and construction - 72-2-1007. Uniformity of application and construction. This part must be...
72-2-1008. through 72-2-1016 reserved - 72-2-1008 through 72-2-1016 reserved.
72-2-1017. Honorary trusts -- trusts for pets - 72-2-1017. Honorary trusts -- trusts for pets. (1) Subject to...