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7-31-101. Authorization for smoke abatement program - 7-31-101. Authorization for smoke abatement program. It shall be lawful...
7-31-102. Petition for smoke abatement program - 7-31-102. Petition for smoke abatement program. Wherever a petition is...
7-31-103. Contract for smoke abatement - 7-31-103. Contract for smoke abatement. (1) The smoke abatement contract...
7-31-104. Contractor's bond - 7-31-104. Contractor's bond. The person or persons or corporation or...
7-31-105. Modification of contract - 7-31-105. Modification of contract. In the event it shall be...
7-31-106. Authorization for county to issue bonds -- election required - 7-31-106. Authorization for county to issue bonds -- election required....
7-31-107. Authorization for municipality to issue bonds -- election required - 7-31-107. Authorization for municipality to issue bonds -- election required....
7-31-108. Notice of election - 7-31-108. Notice of election. (1) The board of county commissioners...
7-31-109. Conduct of election - 7-31-109. Conduct of election. (1) The vote upon a proposition...
7-31-110. Effect of election - 7-31-110. Effect of election. (1) If a majority of the...
7-31-111. Cost of election in case of voter disapproval - 7-31-111. Cost of election in case of voter disapproval. If...
7-31-112. Details relating to bonds - 7-31-112. Details relating to bonds. (1) The bonds issued upon...
7-31-113. Disposition of bonds - 7-31-113. Disposition of bonds. (1) The board of county commissioners...
7-31-114. Disposition of sale proceeds -- sanitary coupon bond fund - 7-31-114. Disposition of sale proceeds -- sanitary coupon bond fund....
7-31-115. Disbursement of money - 7-31-115. Disbursement of money. Money in the sanitary coupon bond...
7-31-116. Payment of bonds and other obligations - 7-31-116. Payment of bonds and other obligations. (1) The faith...