Montana Code Annotated
Part 4. Operation and Regulation
32-1-427. Fiduciaries -- deposit of securities with a federal reserve bank

32-1-427. Fiduciaries -- deposit of securities with a federal reserve bank. (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any bank or trust company when acting as fiduciary as defined in 32-1-425 and any bank or trust company when holding securities as custodian for a fiduciary is authorized to deposit or arrange for the deposit with the federal reserve bank in its district of any securities the principal and interest of which the United States or any department, agency, or instrumentality thereof has agreed to pay or has guaranteed payment, to be credited to one or more accounts on the books of the federal reserve bank in the name of the bank or trust company, to be designated fiduciary or safekeeping accounts, to which accounts other similar securities may be credited. A bank or trust company so depositing securities with a federal reserve bank shall be subject to such rules with respect to the making and maintenance of such deposit as, in the case of state-chartered institutions, the state banking board and, in the case of national banking associations, the comptroller of the currency may from time to time adopt. The records of the bank or trust company shall at all times show the ownership of the securities held in such account. Ownership of and other interests in the securities credited to such account may be transferred by entries on the books of the federal reserve bank without physical delivery of any securities. A bank or trust company acting as custodian for a fiduciary shall, on demand of the fiduciary, certify in writing to the fiduciary the securities deposited by the bank or trust company with the federal reserve bank for the account of such fiduciary. A fiduciary shall, on demand by any party to its accounting or on demand by the attorney for the party, certify in writing to the party the securities deposited by the fiduciary with the federal reserve bank for its account as such fiduciary.
(2) This section shall apply to all fiduciaries and custodians for fiduciaries acting on July 1, 1977, or who thereafter may act regardless of the date of the instrument or court order by which they are appointed.
History: En. 5-1603 by Sec. 5, Ch. 278, L. 1977; R.C.M. 1947, 5-1603.

Structure Montana Code Annotated

Montana Code Annotated

Title 32. Financial Institutions

Chapter 1. Banks and Trust Companies

Part 4. Operation and Regulation

32-1-401. Bank advertising before issuance of charter

32-1-402. When advertising as bank prohibited -- trade names restricted

32-1-403. Penalty for transacting business without certificate

32-1-404. through 32-1-410 reserved

32-1-411. Extent assets may be pledged

32-1-412. Limits on excessive borrowing

32-1-413. Borrowing money for capital purposes -- status of capital

32-1-414. No certificate of deposit to issue for borrowed money

32-1-415. through 32-1-419 reserved

32-1-420. Investment by trust fiduciary in management investment company or investment trust

32-1-421. Investment of capital of savings banks

32-1-422. Restriction on investment in corporate stock -- rulemaking authority

32-1-423. Real estate that banks may purchase, hold, or convey

32-1-424. Investments of financial institutions

32-1-425. Definitions

32-1-426. Deposit of securities in central depository

32-1-427. Fiduciaries -- deposit of securities with a federal reserve bank

32-1-428. reserved

32-1-429. Insurance activities -- exemption -- rulemaking

32-1-430. Authority of state banks to make real estate loans -- borrower insurance requirements

32-1-431. Repealed

32-1-432. Limitations on loans -- rulemaking

32-1-433. Investment in certain securities -- rulemaking authority

32-1-434. Financial institutions authorized to obtain insurance and make loans when approved by federal housing administrator

32-1-435. Federal housing securities eligible collateral

32-1-436. Repealed

32-1-437. Acceptance and issuance of drafts -- rulemaking authority

32-1-438. and 32-1-439 reserved

32-1-440. Financial institution's responsibility to provide notice when funds become available for withdrawal

32-1-441. Certified checks

32-1-442. Repealed

32-1-443. Repealed

32-1-444. Deposit in name of minor

32-1-445. Demand or time deposits

32-1-446. Safe deposit department

32-1-447. Giving security for deposit prohibited -- exceptions

32-1-448. Payments to foreign administrator

32-1-449. and 32-1-450 reserved

32-1-451. Statement of capital, resources, and liabilities

32-1-452. Dividends, surplus, losses, and bad debts

32-1-453. Calculation of profits

32-1-454. Past-due and doubtful paper

32-1-455. Reserve requirements

32-1-456. through 32-1-460 reserved

32-1-461. Bonding of employees

32-1-462. Persons previously convicted under banking laws -- bank employment

32-1-463. Sale of securities by officer to bank

32-1-464. Fraud by director, officer, agent, or employee

32-1-465. Limit on loans to officer, director, or principal shareholder

32-1-466. Purchase of obligation of bank by officer

32-1-467. Loans to managing officer

32-1-468. Removal of directors, officers, or employees -- hearing

32-1-469. and 32-1-470 reserved

32-1-471. Penalty for unlawful hypothecation of property received

32-1-472. Concealing actions from directors

32-1-473. Theft of funds by directors, officers, or employees

32-1-474. False statement to obtain loan

32-1-475. through 32-1-480 reserved

32-1-481. Bank holidays

32-1-482. Transaction on holidays

32-1-483. Closing on Saturdays authorized -- Saturday treated as holiday

32-1-484. Banking hours and business days

32-1-485. Interest payable at bank on Saturday -- how paid

32-1-486. through 32-1-490 reserved

32-1-491. Destruction of records

32-1-492. Definitions -- reproduction of bank records -- admissibility in evidence -- cost recovery

32-1-493. Admissibility of copies in evidence -- exception when original available

32-1-494. Destruction or reproduction "in regular course of business" defined

32-1-495. Application