Montana Code Annotated
Part 21. Defined Contribution Plan
19-3-2141. Long-term disability plan -- benefit amount -- eligibility -- administration and rulemaking

19-3-2141. Long-term disability plan -- benefit amount -- eligibility -- administration and rulemaking. (1) For members hired prior to July 1, 2011:
(a) except as provided in subsection (1)(b), a disabled member eligible under the provisions of this section is entitled to a disability benefit equal to one fifty-sixth of the member's highest average compensation, as defined in 19-3-108, multiplied by the member's years of service credit, including any service credit purchased under 19-3-513;
(b) an eligible member with at least 25 years of membership service is entitled to a disability benefit equal to 2% of the member's highest average compensation, as defined in 19-3-108, multiplied by the member's years of service credit, including any service credit purchased under 19-3-513.
(2) For members hired on or after July 1, 2011, the monthly disability benefit payable to a disabled member eligible under the provisions of this section who has:
(a) more than 5 but less than 10 years of membership service is equal to 1.5% of the member's highest average compensation multiplied by the member's years of service credit, including any additional service credit purchased under 19-3-513;
(b) 10 or more but less than 30 years of membership service is equal to one fifty-sixth of the member's highest average compensation multiplied by the member's years of service credit, including any additional service credit purchased under 19-3-513; or
(c) 30 or more years of membership service is equal to 2% of the member's highest average compensation multiplied by the member's years of service credit, including any additional service credit purchased under 19-3-513.
(3) Payment of the disability benefit provided in this section is subject to the following:
(a) the member must be vested in the plan as provided in 19-3-2116;
(b) for members hired prior to July 1, 2011:
(i) if the member's disability occurred when the member was 60 years of age or less, the benefit may be paid only until the member reaches 65 years of age; and
(ii) if the member's disability occurred after the member reached 60 years of age, the benefit may be paid for no more than 5 years;
(c) for members hired on or after July 1, 2011:
(i) if the member's disability occurred when the member was less than 65 years of age, the benefit may be paid only until the member reaches 70 years of age; and
(ii) if the member's disability occurred after the member reached 65 years of age, the benefit may be paid for no more than 5 years;
(d) the provisions of 19-3-1103 and 19-3-1104; and
(e) the member shall satisfy the other applicable requirements of this section and the board's rules adopted to implement this section.
(4) Application for a disability benefit must be made in accordance with 19-2-406.
(5) The board shall make determinations on disability claims and conduct medical reviews in a manner consistent with the provisions of 19-2-406 and 19-3-1015. A member may seek review of a board determination as provided in rules adopted by the board.
(6) If a member receiving a disability benefit under this section dies, the disability benefit payments cease and the member's beneficiary is entitled to death benefits only as provided for in 19-3-2125. Any disability benefits paid in error after the member's death may be recovered by the board pursuant to 19-2-903.
(7) The board shall establish a long-term disability plan trust fund from which disability benefit costs pursuant to this section must be paid. The trust fund must be entirely separate and distinct from the defined benefit plan trust fund.
(8) The board shall perform the duties, exercise the powers, and adopt reasonable rules to implement the provisions of this section.
History: En. Sec. 1, Ch. 423, L. 2001; amd. Sec. 14(1), Ch. 423, L. 2001; amd. Sec. 53, Ch. 429, L. 2003; amd. Sec. 13, Ch. 369, L. 2011; amd. Sec. 16, Ch. 178, L. 2013; amd. Sec. 15, Ch. 248, L. 2015; amd. Sec. 15, Ch. 195, L. 2017; amd. Sec. 8, Ch. 172, L. 2021.

Structure Montana Code Annotated

Montana Code Annotated

Title 19. Public Retirement Systems

Chapter 3. Public Employees' Retirement System

Part 21. Defined Contribution Plan

19-3-2101. Definitions

19-3-2102. Defined contribution plan established -- assets to be held in trust -- contracted services

19-3-2103. Legislative intent

19-3-2104. Board powers and duties -- rulemaking

19-3-2105. Administrative expenses and fees

19-3-2106. Limited contract right

19-3-2107. through 19-3-2110 reserved

19-3-2111. Plan membership -- written election required -- failure to elect -- effect of election

19-3-2112. Plan choices for members employed by university system -- amount available to transfer -- effect on rights

19-3-2113. Reinstatement of plan membership -- purchase of prior service credit in defined benefit plan

19-3-2114. Amount available to transfer

19-3-2115. Transfers or rollovers into plan -- service transfers -- membership credit for purposes of vesting

19-3-2116. Vesting -- mandatory termination of membership -- forfeitures

19-3-2117. Allocation of contributions and forfeitures

19-3-2118. through 19-3-2120 reserved

19-3-2121. Repealed

19-3-2122. Investment alternatives -- notice of changes -- default fund

19-3-2123. Payout of vested account balances when terminating plan membership

19-3-2124. Distribution options for plan members -- rulemaking -- minimum distribution requirements -- restrictions

19-3-2125. Death benefits

19-3-2126. Refunds -- minimum account balance -- adjustment by rule

19-3-2127. through 19-3-2130 reserved

19-3-2131. Terminated

19-3-2132. Terminated

19-3-2133. Employee investment advisory council

19-3-2134. Terminated

19-3-2135. through 19-3-2140 reserved

19-3-2141. Long-term disability plan -- benefit amount -- eligibility -- administration and rulemaking

19-3-2142. Disability benefit recipients to remain members -- access to account prohibited

19-3-2143. Implementation