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Section 445.010 - Plats of cities, towns, villages — shall show what. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 445.010. Plats of cities, towns,...
Section 445.020 - Plat, how drawn — shall show what. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 445.020. Plat, how drawn —...
Section 445.030 - Plat to be acknowledged and recorded — acceptance by city. - Effective - 28 Aug 1943 445.030. Plat to be acknowledged...
Section 445.040 - Duty of recorder when plat delivered — certified copies to be evidence. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 445.040. Duty of recorder when...
Section 445.050 - When new county established or county lines changed, plat to be recorded, where. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 445.050. When new county established...
Section 445.060 - Legalizing any plat of city or town, or addition or subdivision, after having been recorded for ten years — to be received in all courts of state. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 445.060. Legalizing any plat of...
Section 445.070 - Penalty for selling lots before plat recorded — plat shall vest fee, when. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 445.070. Penalty for selling lots...
Section 445.080 - Penalty for recording an imperfect plat. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 445.080. Penalty for recording an...
Section 445.090 - Persons incurring penalty may be proceeded against, how. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 445.090. Persons incurring penalty may...
Section 445.100 - Plans, plats or replats — unlawful to receive or record such plan unless approved (cities of 400,000). - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 445.100. Plans, plats or replats...
Section 445.110 - Unlawful to sell, trade or otherwise convey unless plan, plat or replat shall have been recorded (cities of 400,000). - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 445.110. Unlawful to sell, trade...
Section 445.120 - Penalty for violation of certain provisions. - Effective - 28 Aug 1939 445.120. Penalty for violation of...