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Section 48.010 - Assessed valuation defined. - Effective - 28 Aug 1945 48.010. Assessed valuation defined. —...
Section 48.020 - Classification of counties into four classes for purpose of organization and power — classification, how determined — annual increase to assessed valuation, amount. - Effective - 25 May 2010 48.020. Classification of counties into...
Section 48.030 - Change in classification, how, when effective. - Effective - 25 May 2010, 2 histories 48.030. Change in...
Section 48.040 - State auditor to notify county officers of change in class. - Effective - 28 Aug 1945 48.040. State auditor to notify...
Section 48.050 - Effect of change of class on county offices and officers. - Effective - 28 Aug 1945 48.050. Effect of change of...
Section 48.053 - Treasurer, term of, how affected by change in county classification (first, second and third class counties). - Effective - 28 Aug 1999 48.053. Treasurer, term of, how...
Section 48.060 - Provisions of chapter dependent upon validity of laws fixing compensation for county officers. - Effective - 28 Aug 1945 48.060. Provisions of chapter dependent...