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Section 325H.01 — Definitions. - Subdivision 1. Application. The definitions in this section apply to...
Section 325H.02 — Regulations; Applicability; Exemptions. - Subdivision 1. Regulations; applicability. A tanning facility in this state...
Section 325H.03 — Standards For Tanning Equipment. - Subdivision 1. Standards for all equipment. (a) The tanning facility...
Section 325H.04 — Protective Goggles Required. - (a) The tanning facility owner or operator shall provide protective...
Section 325H.05 — Posted Warning Required. - (a) The facility owner or operator shall conspicuously post the...
Section 325H.07 — Records Required. - The tanning facility owner or operator shall maintain a record...
Section 325H.085 — Use By Minors Prohibited. - A person under age 18 may not use any type...
Section 325H.09 — Penalty. - Any person who leases tanning equipment or who owns a...
Section 325H.10 — Local Ordinance Authorization. - Sections 325H.01 to 325H.09 do not preempt a local ordinance...