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Section 1 - The stability of a republican form of government depending mainly...
Section 2 - In no case shall any public money or property be...
Section 3 - All the rights, immunities, franchises and endowments heretofore granted or...
Section 4 - Land may be taken for public way and for the...
Section 5 - The legislature shall not authorize any lottery or the sale...
Section 6 - Any combination of persons either as individuals or as members...
Section 7 - Any person may sell or peddle the products of the...
Section 8 - The state may pay an adjusted compensation to persons who...
Section 9 - The legislature shall pass laws necessary for the organization, discipline...
Section 10 - The seat of government of the state is in the...
Section 11 - A seal of the state shall be kept by the...
Section 12 - Hunting and fishing and the taking of game and fish...