Sec. 2b.
(1) "Member" means an individual who is included in the membership of the retirement system, as determined by the retirement board.
(2) "Municipality" means 1 or more of the following:
(a) A county, county road commission, city, village, or township.
(b) A public corporation or instrumentality established by 1 or more counties, cities, villages, or townships.
(c) A public corporation or instrumentality charged by law with the performance of a governmental function and whose jurisdiction is coextensive with 1 or more counties, cities, villages, or townships.
(d) A political subdivision located in this state or located in this and another adjacent state of the United States, including, but not limited to, the entities named in subdivision (a), (b), or (c), or any combination of those units.
(e) A political subdivision located in this state and a metropolitan government borough, or other political subdivision of the province of Ontario, an agency of the United States, or a similar entity of adjacent states of the United States and the province of Ontario.
(f) A state university, community college, or junior college whose employees are not public school employees who are members under the public school employees retirement act of 1979, 1980 PA 300, MCL 38.1301 to 38.1408.
(g) Any municipal corporation as defined in section 1(a) of 1951 PA 35, MCL 124.1, or other governmental entity that is eligible to join the retirement system and participate in any program under this act, as determined by the retirement board.
History: 1984, Act 427, Imd. Eff. Jan. 2, 1985 ;-- Am. 1988, Act 500, Imd. Eff. Dec. 29, 1988 ;-- Am. 1989, Act 51, Imd. Eff. June 12, 1989 ;-- Am. 1990, Act 99, Imd. Eff. June 7, 1990 ;-- Am. 1992, Act 63, Imd. Eff. May 22, 1992 ;-- Am. 1996, Act 220, Eff. Aug. 15, 1996 ;-- Am. 2004, Act 490, Imd. Eff. Dec. 28, 2004 Compiler's Notes: Section 4 of Act 220 of 1996, which amendatory act amended this section, provides:“Section 4. (1) This amendatory act shall not take effect unless submitted to a vote of the official delegates who are certified as provided for in section 45 of the municipal employees retirement act of 1984, Act No. 427 of the Public Acts of 1984, being section 38.1545 of the Michigan Compiled Laws, and ratified by a 2/3 majority of the delegates actually voting on the question. The question of adoption of this amendatory act shall be submitted by certified mail to the delegates as certified to the most recent annual meeting of the municipal employees retirement system or, if no such delegates were certified or if previously certified delegates are no longer employed, then those delegates as certified by the participating municipality or participating court within 60 days after the enactment of this amendatory act. To be valid, each delegate's vote shall be received at the place designated by the retirement system no later than 75 days from the date of enactment of this amendatory act. The question shall be submitted in substantially the following form:“Shall Act No. ________ of the Public Acts of 1996, entitled 'An act to amend the municipal employees retirement act of 1984', providing for the retirement system to become a public corporation be adopted?Yes________No_________”.(2) The retirement board of the municipal employees retirement system shall certify in writing the results of the voting on the question and file the certification with the secretary of state not later than the fifth business day following the tally of the votes. If a 2/3 majority of the delegates voting on the question approve the adoption of this amendatory act, the provisions of this amendatory act shall become effective on the date that is 10 calendar days after the filing of the certification with the secretary of state, which date shall be set forth in the filing and shall be known as the certification date.”The official tally of the vote on the question having occurred at the Special Meeting of the Board held on August 1, 1996, resulting in a determination that more than a two-thirds majority of the delegates voting on the question approved the adoption of Act 220 of 1996, a certification of the results of the voting was filed with the Secretary of State on August 5, 1996. The certification provided that the effective date of Act 220 of 1996 shall be August 15, 1996, which date shall be officially known as the “certification date.
Structure Michigan Compiled Laws
Chapter 38 - Civil Service and Retirement
Act 427 of 1984 - Municipal Employees Retirement Act of 1984 (38.1501 - 38.1558)
Section 38.1501 - Short Title.
Section 38.1502 - Meanings of Words and Phrases.
Section 38.1502a - Definitions; C to J.
Section 38.1502b - Definitions; M.
Section 38.1502c - Definitions; P to V.
Section 38.1503-38.1510a - Repealed. 1996, Act 220, Eff. Aug. 15, 1996.
Section 38.1512-38.1535 - Repealed. 1996, Act 220, Eff. Aug. 15, 1996.
Section 38.1536a - Repealed. 2004, Act 490, Imd. Eff. Dec. 28, 2004.
Section 38.1537, 38.1538 - Repealed. 1996, Act 220, Eff. Aug. 15, 1996.
Section 38.1540 - Prohibited Conduct.
Section 38.1541-38.1544a - Repealed. 1996, Act 220, Eff. Aug. 15, 1996.
Section 38.1545a-38.1554 - Repealed. 1996, Act 220, Eff. Aug. 15, 1996.
Section 38.1545b - Contested Case Hearing.
Section 38.1555 - Repeal of MCL 38.601 to 38.669.
Section 38.1556 - Repealed. 1996, Act 220, Eff. Aug. 15, 1996.
Section 38.1557 - Repealed. 1992, Act 63, Eff. May 22, 1993.
Section 38.1558 - Repealed. 1996, Act 220, Eff. Aug. 15, 1996.