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Section 450.691 - Incorporation of Library by Proprietors; Meeting; Notice. - Sec. 1. Any 7 or more proprietors of a library...
Section 450.692 - Libraries; Proprietors; Powers; Proceedings, Certificate; Recording. - Sec. 2. Any 7 or more of the proprietors of...
Section 450.693 - Libraries; Powers of Corporation; Governing Law. - Sec. 3. When such proprietors shall be organized as a...
Section 450.694 - Libraries; Collector and Treasurer, Bond. - Sec. 4. The treasurer and collector shall give bond to...
Section 450.695 - Libraries; Shares, Assessment and Transfer; Holding of Property. - Sec. 5. The said proprietors may raise such sums of...
R-S-1846-450-691-53-LIBRARIES-AND-LYCEUMS-OF-LYCEUMS. - Of Lyceums. (450.696...450.696)
Section 450.696 - Libraries; Organization; Powers. - Sec. 6. Any 15 or more persons, in any township...