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Section 801.201 - County Workhouse; Authorization of County to Acquire and Own. - Sec. 1. The various counties of this state are hereby...
Section 801.202 - Non-Partisan Commission for Management; Election, Membership, Number, Term, Vacancies, Eligibility, Oath. - Sec. 2. The management and direction of such work farms,...
Section 801.203 - Non-Partisan Commission for Management; Superintendent; Appointment, Powers, Oath, Duties, Bond; Employees; Appropriations. - Sec. 3. Said commissioners are hereby authorized and empowered to...
Section 801.204 - Board of Commissioners; Expenses; Meetings; Visit to Work Farm, Factory, or Shop; Examination of Management; Hearing and Determining Complaints or Questions; Making and Recording Rules or Orders; Conflict of Interest; Conducting Bus... - Sec. 4. (1) The commissioners shall serve without fee or...
Section 801.205 - Books of Account; Contents; Quarterly Statement. - Sec. 5. The books of said work farm, factory or...
Section 801.206 - Reports to Supervisors; Removal of Officials or Employees. - Sec. 6. The board of supervisors of such county may...
Section 801.207 - Superintendent; Duties. - Sec. 7. The superintendent of the said work farm, factory...
Section 801.208 - Counties Without Workhouse; Contract With Commission; Publication. - Sec. 8. The board of supervisors of any county of...
Section 801.209 - Sentencing Person to Work Farm, Factory, or Shop. - Sec. 9. In every county having such agreement, it shall...
Section 801.210 - Counties Without Workhouse; Transfer of Convicted Persons to Workhouse; Employment; Fees. - Sec. 10. It shall be the duty of the sheriff,...
Section 801.211 - Maintenance Expense; Tax Levy. - Sec. 11. The expense of maintaining the said work farm,...
Section 801.212 - Commitment of Person to Work Farm, Factory, or Shop. - Sec. 12. It shall be lawful for any judge of...
Section 801.214 - Record of Infractions; Effect of Good Behavior. - Sec. 14. The superintendent of said work farm, factory or...
Section 801.215 - Realty; Powers of Commission. - Sec. 15. Any real estate which has been or is...
Section 801.217 - Declaration of Necessity. - Sec. 17. This act is hereby declared to be immediately...