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Section 780.61 - Bail for Traffic Offenses or Misdemeanors; Definitions. - Sec. 1. As used in this act: (a) "Security" means...
Section 780.62 - Release Upon Own Recognizance; Failure to Appear, Misdemeanor; Forfeiture. - Sec. 2. When from all the circumstances involving traffic offenses...
Section 780.63 - Failure to Appear; Arrest. - Sec. 3. Upon failure to comply with any condition of...
Section 780.64 - Amount of Bail; Surrender by Defendant of Operator's or Chauffeur's License as Security; Receipt; Expiration Date; Extension; Written Notice; Return of License. - Sec. 4. (1) The amount of bail shall be: (a)...
Section 780.65 - Increase or Reduction in Amount of Bail; Notices; Alteration of Conditions of Bond. - Sec. 5. (1) Upon application by the state or a...
Section 780.66 - Bail Deposit; Moneys; Minimum Amount; Procedure. - Sec. 6. (1) The person for whom bail has been...
Section 780.67 - Bail Bond in Lieu of Bail Deposit; Security Required; Procedure. - Sec. 7. (1) In lieu of the bail deposit provided...
Section 780.68 - Bail Taken by Peace Officer; Release of Offender; Receipt; Deposit With Clerk of Court. - Sec. 8. When bail has been set by a judicial...
Section 780.69 - Conditions of Bail Bonds Before Conviction. - Sec. 9. (1) If a person is admitted to bail...
Section 780.70 - Bail on New Trial; Increase or Reduction Pending on Trial. - Sec. 10. If the judgment of conviction is reversed and...
Section 780.71 - Notice of Address Change. - Sec. 11. A person who has been admitted to bail...
Section 780.72 - Persons Prohibited From Furnishing Bail Security. - Sec. 12. No attorney-at-law practicing in this state and no...
Section 780.73 - Credit for Incarceration on Bailable Offense; Limitation. - Sec. 13. Any person incarcerated on a bailable offense who...