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Section 730.401 - Juries in Justice Courts; Impaneling and Drawing. - Sec. 1. Juries in civil and criminal cases in justice...
Section 730.402 - Juries; Duties of City Clerk and Assessing Officer. - Sec. 2. The city clerk and city assessor or other...
Section 730.403 - Juries; Additional List of Names and Addresses, Disposition. - Sec. 3. At any time the judge or justice, or...
Section 730.404 - Juries; Qualifications; Persons Over 70 Years of Age. - Sec. 4. The officials preparing jury lists shall select only...
Section 730.405 - Juries; Exemption From Serving. - Sec. 5. Any person shall be exempt from serving on...
Section 730.406 - Juries; Reasons for Exemption. - Sec. 6. Any person shall be entitled to be excused...
Section 730.407 - Juries; Slips, Receptacles; Custody. - Sec. 7. The clerk of the court shall write the...
Section 730.408 - Juries; Drawing, Method; Compelling Appearance. - Sec. 8. When a jury is to be drawn, the...
Section 730.409 - Juries; Slips, Replacing. - Sec. 9. All slips drawn shall be replaced in the...
Section 730.410 - Juries; Alphabetical List Kept. - Sec. 10. The clerk of the court shall keep an...
Section 730.411 - Deputy Clerk; Authority. - Sec. 11. Any deputy clerk of any court affected by...
Section 730.412 - Number of Jurors. - Sec. 12. Juries in all cases drawn in accordance with...
Section 730.413 - Charge of Jury. - Sec. 13. Any deputy sheriff of the county or police...
Section 730.414 - Excusing From Service; Challenge. - Sec. 14. No person shall be required to serve as...
Section 730.415 - Challenging; Time. - Sec. 15. Any person drawn as a juror by virtue...
Section 730.416 - Peremptory Challenges. - Sec. 16. In a criminal trial the people and the...
Section 730.417 - Laws Governing. - Sec. 17. The provisions of existing laws relative to civil...
Section 730.418 - Optional Method of Drawing Juries. - Sec. 18. This act shall not be construed to repeal...
Section 730.419 - List Filed Before Act Effective. - Sec. 19. This act shall not go into effect in...