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Section 486.501 - Corporations to Supply Water to Townships; Incorporators. - Sec. 1. Whenever the township board of a township or...
Section 486.502 - Contracts; Corporate Powers; Written Consent for Use of Street, Highway or Alley to Lay Pipe or Main. - Sec. 2. Any corporation so formed under this act shall...
Section 486.503 - Great Lakes Waters; Construction of Works. - Sec. 3. Such corporation may take water from any of...
Section 486.504 - Townships Contracting for Purchase of Water; Resolution, Hearing; Ordinances, Publication; Petitions. - Sec. 4. It shall be lawful for the township board...
Section 486.504a - Violation of MCL 168.1 to 168.992 Applicable to Petitions; Penalties. - Sec. 4a. A petition under section 4, including the circulation...
Section 486.505 - Townships Contracting for Purchase of Water; Ordinance Effective; Contract Execution. - Sec. 5. As soon as any such ordinance becomes effective...
Section 486.506 - Townships Contracting for Purchase of Water; Renewal, Extension or Amendment of Contract. - Sec. 6. After any such contract has once been entered...
Section 486.507 - Purchase of Waterworks; Procedure. - Sec. 7. At any time after the construction of a...
Section 486.508 - Township Water System Act of 1956; Short Title. - Sec. 8. This act shall be known and may be...