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Section 483.101 - Natural Gas; Buying, Selling or Transporting. - Sec. 1. Every corporation, association or person, now or hereafter...
Section 483.102 - Condemnation to Acquire Rights-of-Way, Use of Highways; Limitation to Intrastate Transportation. - Sec. 2. For the purpose of acquiring necessary right-of-ways, every...
Section 483.103 - Control Vested in Public Utilities Commission; Scope; Limitations. - Sec. 3. There is hereby granted to and vested in...
Section 483.104 - Common Purchaser; Definition; Purchase Without Discrimination. - Sec. 4. Every corporation, association or person, now or hereafter...
Section 483.105 - Regulations of Public Utilities Commission. - Sec. 5. The commission is hereby empowered and it is...
Section 483.106 - Common Carriers; Preference Prohibited. - Sec. 6. All corporations, associations and persons, purchasing or collecting...
Section 483.107 - Maximum Daily Flow. - Sec. 7. All corporations, associations and persons, whether producing or...
Section 483.108 - Curtailment of Purchase. - Sec. 8. Whenever the full production from any common source...
Section 483.109 - Map or Plat of Proposed Line; Filing With Public Utilities Commission, Approval; Existing Carriers. - Sec. 9. Any corporation, association or person within the terms...
Section 483.110 - Filing Schedule of Rates or Charges; Filing Copies of Contracts; Alterations or Amendments; Application; Approval; Appeal. - Sec. 10. A common purchaser or common carrier of natural...
Section 483.111 - Sale and Purchase Contract; Filing. - Sec. 11. Every common purchaser or common carrier of natural...
Section 483.112 - Annual Statement; Contents. - Sec. 12. Every common purchaser and common carrier of natural...
Section 483.113 - Accounts and Records. - Sec. 13. The commission shall have the power and authority...
Section 483.114 - Prevention of Waste; Rules of Public Utilities Commission. - Sec. 14. The commission shall have authority to prevent the...
Section 483.115 - Penalties; Civil Liability. - Sec. 15. Any corporation, association or person, violating any provision...
Section 483.116 - Assistants; Employment by Commission. - Sec. 16. The commission is hereby authorized and empowered to...
Section 483.117 - Municipal Corporations Excepted. - Sec. 17. Nothing in this act contained shall be construed...
Section 483.120 - Immediate Effect. - Sec. 20. An emergency is hereby declared, by reason whereof...