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Section 47.1 - Board of County Auditors; Creation, Referendum; Form of Resolution. - Sec. 1. The board of supervisors of any county in...
Section 47.2 - Board of County Auditors; Adoption of Resolution, Notice, Form. - Sec. 2. At least 3 weeks shall intervene between the...
Section 47.3 - Referendum; Notice, Posting and Publication, Evidence; Ballots, Preparation and Distribution, Form. - Sec. 3. Said clerk shall cause such notice to be...
Section 47.4 - Referendum; Conduct. - Sec. 4. If upon the canvass of the votes cast...
Section 47.4a - Repealed. 2005, Act 246, Imd. Eff. Dec. 1, 2005. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to operation of county...
Section 47.5 - Board of County Auditors; Appointment, Election, Terms, Vacancies, Eligibility. - Sec. 5. The board of commissioners of any county may...
Section 47.6 - Board of County Auditors; Conducting Business at Public Meeting; Notice of Meeting; Chairperson to Preside; Duties of Clerk; Availability of Certain Writings to Public; Quorum; Office; Compensation and Expenses. - Sec. 6. The business which the board of county auditors...
Section 47.7 - Board of County Auditors; Meetings, Time and Place; County Clerk, Custodian of Records; Additional Compensation. - Sec. 7. The said board of county auditors shall meet...
Section 47.8 - Board of County Auditors; Audit of Claims Against County, Payment; Violation of Section, Penalty. - Sec. 8. No claim against any county adopting the provisions...
Section 47.9 - Board of County Auditors; Powers and Duties. - Sec. 9. The said board shall have power, and it...
Section 47.10 - Repealed. 1983, Act 87, Imd. Eff. June 16, 1983. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed section pertained to the bills of...
Section 47.11 - Board of County Auditors; Members' Interest in Contracts Prohibited. - Sec. 11. No member of said board of auditors shall...
Section 47.12 - Board of County Auditors; County Prosecuting Attorney as Legal Advisor, Duties. - Sec. 12. The prosecuting attorney for the said county shall,...
Section 47.13 - Violations; Penalties. - Sec. 13. (1) A member of the board of auditors...
Section 47.14 - Construction of Act. - Sec. 14. In the event that the board of supervisors...
Section 47.15 - Board of County Auditors; Bond, Oath of Office. - Sec. 15. Before entering upon his official duties each member...