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Section 460.501 - Certificate of Convenience and Necessity; Definition. - Sec. 1. The term "municipality", when used in this act,...
Section 460.502 - Certificate of Convenience; Necessity for Gas or Electric Utilities. - Sec. 2. No public utility shall hereafter begin the construction...
Section 460.503 - Petition; Contents. - Sec. 3. Before any such certificate of convenience and necessity...
Section 460.504 - Hearing; Notices. - Sec. 4. Upon filing such application, the commission shall set...
Section 460.505 - Hearing; Matters for Consideration; Certificate, Contents. - Sec. 5. In determining the question of public convenience and...
Section 460.506 - Review of Order or Decree. - Sec. 6. Any order or decree of the Michigan public...