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Section 460.201 - Carriers by Water; Schedule of Rates, Fares, and Charges Filing; Decision by Department of State Police; Suspension of Operation; Hearing Date; Notice; Setting by Department. - Sec. 1. Any persons, firms, and corporations engaged in the...
Section 460.202 - Carriers by Water; Examination and Audit of Books by Department of State Police; Duty to Furnish Data. - Sec. 2. Except as otherwise provided in section 7, the...
Section 460.203 - Carriers by Water; Rules. - Sec. 3. The department of state police is authorized, empowered,...
Section 460.204 - Carriers by Water; Complaint; Investigation; Regulation. - Sec. 4. If any complaint is made to the department...
Section 460.205 - Carriers by Water; Appeal of Order or Decision. - Sec. 5. A carrier by water may appeal any order...
Section 460.206 - Violation; Penalty. - Sec. 6. Any person, firm, or corporation violating any of...
Section 460.207 - Proposed Rate, Fare, Charge, or Tariff of Carrier; Authority and Duties of Department of State Police. - Sec. 7. (1) The department of state police shall compare...