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Section 46.351 - County Parks and Recreation Commission; Creation; Membership; Terms; Vacancy; Commission as County Agency; Rules and Regulations; Compensation. - Sec. 1. (1) The county board of commissioners of a...
Section 46.352 - Regional Parks and Recreation Commission; Creation; Membership; Terms; Vacancies; Compensation. - Sec. 2. The county boards of commissioners of 2 or...
Section 46.353 - County Commission and Regional Commission; Election and Terms of Officers; Treasurer; Quorum; Conducting Business at Public Meeting; Notice of Meeting; Bylaws; Contracts. - Sec. 3. Each January a county commission and a regional...
Section 46.354 - County Commission; Appropriation for Expenses. - Sec. 4. The board of supervisors in its annual budget...
Section 46.355 - Regional Commission; Appropriation or Tax Levy; Annual Budget, Approval, Effect. - Sec. 5. The boards of supervisors of each county included...
Section 46.356 - County and Regional Commissions; Study of Facilities and Needs, Plan. - Sec. 6. A county or regional commission may study and...
Section 46.357 - Filing of Records, Proposals, Plans, and Programs; Availability of Certain Writings to Public. - Sec. 7. (1) A county or regional commission shall file...
Section 46.358 - County and Regional Commissions; Acquisition of Property. - Sec. 8. A county commission may acquire in the name...
Section 46.359 - County and Regional Commissions; Condemnation of Private Property. - Sec. 9. A county operating under this act or a...
Section 46.359a - County and Regional Commissions; Condemnation of Property in Another County. - Sec. 9a. A county or regional commission desiring to acquire...
Section 46.360 - County and Regional Commission; Acceptance of Gifts and Bequests, Grants-in-Aid. - Sec. 10. A county commission may accept in the name...
Section 46.361 - County and Regional Commissions; Development and Operation of Facilities. - Sec. 11. A county or regional commission may plan, develop,...
Section 46.362 - County and Regional Commissions; Custody, Control and Management of Property. - Sec. 12. A county or regional commission shall have the...
Section 46.363 - County and Regional Commissions; Installation and Maintenance of Roads and Parking Facilities. - Sec. 13. A county or regional commission may install and...
Section 46.364 - County and Regional Commissions; Rules; Violation of Rules as Misdemeanor; Penalty; Prohibited Operation of Vehicle as Municipal Civil Infraction; Enforcement; Park Rangers; Police Services. - Sec. 14. (1) A county or regional commission may adopt,...
Section 46.365 - County and Regional Commissions; Charges and Fees, Collection, Payment to County Treasurer, Uses. - Sec. 15. A county or regional commission may charge and...
Section 46.366 - County and Regional Commission; Employment of Personnel, Executive Officer. - Sec. 16. A county commission may employ such personnel as...
Section 46.367 - Park and Recreational Places; Revenue Bonds; Resolution; Issuance of Bonds or Notes; Negotiability; Interest; Tax Exemption; Limitations; Applicable Law; Amount of Borrowings. - Sec. 17. (1) Any county operating under this act, by...