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Section 457.261 - Grand Chapter of Order of Eastern Star; Incorporation. - Sec. 1. Any grand chapter of the Order of the...
Section 457.262 - Incorporators; Articles of Association, Execution, Contents. - Sec. 2. The worthy grand matron, the worthy grand patron,...
Section 457.263 - Body Corporate; Powers. - Sec. 3. Such corporation, when duly formed under this act,...
Section 457.264 - Officers; Board of Directors. - Sec. 4. The officers of said corporation shall be: the...
Section 457.265 - Powers of Corporation; Property, Holding, Disposition. - Sec. 5. Said corporation shall have a common seal and...
Section 457.266 - Powers of Corporation as to Property of Subordinate Chapters. - Sec. 6. Said corporation may hold real or personal estate,...
Section 457.267 - Reincorporation Under Act; Rights. - Sec. 7. Any grand chapter of the Order of the...