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Section 457.671 - Lutheran Bund; Incorporation. - Sec. 1. That the Lutheran Bund of the state of...
Section 457.672 - Incorporators; Articles of Association, Execution, Contents. - Sec. 2. Any 10 or more persons, residents, of this...
Section 457.673 - Articles, Constitution, By-Laws and Resolution; Filing; Body Corporate, Powers; Taxation. - Sec. 3. Said articles of association, together with a copy...
Section 457.674 - Membership; Delegates; Rules; Officers, Duties; Constitution, By-Laws, Amendment. - Sec. 4. The bund shall have power to receive into...
Section 457.675 - Reserve Fund; Loaning, Investment and Control. - Sec. 5. The bund shall have power to create a...
Section 457.676 - Control of Affairs. - Sec. 6. The affairs of such corporation shall be controlled...
Section 457.677 - Amendment of Articles; Procedure; Evidence of Existence. - Sec. 7. The articles of association may be amended by...