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Section 457.201 - Masonic Lodges; Incorporation. - Sec. 1. That any chapter of Royal Arch Masons, and...
Section 457.202 - Incorporators; Articles of Association, Execution, Contents. - Sec. 2. Any 10 or more residents of this state...
Section 457.203 - Filing Copy of Articles and Charter With Department of Commerce; Signers of Articles, Associates, and Successors as Body Politic and Corporate. - Sec. 3. A copy of said articles of association, together...
Section 457.204 - Erection of Buildings; Capital Stock, Creation, Shares; Property, Holding and Disposition; Cemetery. - Sec. 4. Every corporation formed in pursuance with this act...
Section 457.205 - Board of Trustees; Election, Quorum; Officers, Appointment, Duties. - Sec. 5. The stockholders, each of whom shall be entitled...
Section 457.206 - Board of Trustees; Powers. - Sec. 6. The management and direction of the interests, affairs...
Section 457.207 - By-Laws and Rules; Powers of Trustees. - Sec. 7. Every corporation organized under and in pursuance of...
Section 457.208 - Governing Law; Amendment of Act. - Sec. 8. All corporations, formed under this act, shall be...
Section 457.209 - Effective Date of Act. - Sec. 9. This act shall take immediate effect. History: 1865,...
Section 457.210 - Incorporated Lodge or Chapter; Surrender of Corporate Rights, Powers, and Liabilities; Effect; Reincorporation. - Sec. 10. Any lodge or chapter which shall have been...