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Section 456.1 - Cemetery Corporation; Incorporators. - Sec. 1. That any 5 or more persons of lawful...
Section 456.2 - Cemetery Corporation; Acquisition of Land, Encumbrance, Payment; Lease, Restriction. - Sec. 2. Such corporation shall have power to acquire and...
Section 456.3 - Right of Burial; Definition. - Sec. 3. A right of burial under this act shall...
Section 456.3a - Right of Burial; Granting in Tax Delinquent Lands Prohibited. - Sec. 3a. No rights of burial shall at any time...
Section 456.4 - Right of Burial; Disposal by Member. - Sec. 4. Any member of any corporation organized under this...
Section 456.5 - Member; Right to Vote. - Sec. 5. Any person owning a right of burial in...
Section 456.6 - Meeting to Incorporate; Warrant. - Sec. 6. Upon application in writing of any 3 of...
Section 456.7 - Meeting to Incorporate; Affidavit of Notice. - Sec. 7. The person to whom the aforesaid warrant is...
Section 456.8 - Board of Trustees; Election; Terms. - Sec. 8. Any 7 or more persons who meet in...
Section 456.9 - Officers; Election; Sexton or Superintendent, Appointment. - Sec. 9. The board of trustees shall meet within 10...
Section 456.10 - Officers; Vacancies. - Sec. 10. A majority of the officers required to be...
Section 456.11 - Officers; Acceptance of Office, Bond. - Sec. 11. All persons elected or appointed to any office...
Section 456.12 - Officers; Notice of Election. - Sec. 12. Any person attending any meeting for the election...
Section 456.13 - Treasurer; Bond. - Sec. 13. The treasurer shall give a bond to the...
Section 456.14 - Officers; Compensation. - Sec. 14. The president, clerk, treasurer and superintendent of grounds...
Section 456.15 - By-Laws, Rules and Regulations. - Sec. 15. The board of trustees of any corporation organized...
Section 456.16 - Certificate of Organization; Contents; Signature; Filing Certificate With Department of Commerce. - Sec. 16. Within 1 week after the organization of any...
Section 456.17 - Laying Out Burial Grounds; Maps; Filing Map With Department of Commerce; Certificate. - Sec. 17. Before any corporation organized under the provisions of...
Section 456.18 - Actions and Suits; Common Seal. - Sec. 18. All corporations organized under this act, shall be...
Section 456.19 - Reincorporation Under Act; Lot Owners in Public Burying Ground, Incorporation; Transfer of Rights From Municipalities. - Sec. 19. Any burying ground corporation heretofore organized under any...
Section 456.20 - Saving Clause. - Sec. 20. Any right that may have accrued to any...
Section 456.21 - Vacation of Burying Ground; Procedure. - Sec. 21. Whenever it may become necessary to vacate any...
Section 456.22 - Forfeited Right of Burial; Disposal. - Sec. 22. It shall be lawful for any corporation organized...
Section 456.23 - Unused Burial Rights; Sale on Non-Payment of Assessment; Reconveyance. - Sec. 23. Any corporation organized under this act may be...
Section 456.24 - Assessment; Voting; Notice of Meeting. - Sec. 24. At any corporate meeting of the members, after...
Section 456.25 - Assessment; Record. - Sec. 25. After an assessment has been made, as provided...
Section 456.26 - Assessment; Notice; Payment, Enforcement. - Sec. 26. Within 1 month from the time of making...
Section 456.27 - Duties of Officers Defined by By-Laws. - Sec. 27. The powers and duties of all officers holding...
Section 456.28 - Treasurer; Duties. - Sec. 28. It shall be the duty of the treasurer...
Section 456.29 - Records of Rights of Burial; Form. - Sec. 29. A record shall be kept by each corporation...
Section 456.30 - Records of Rights of Burial; Bound Blanks, Index. - Sec. 30. It shall be the duty of every corporation...
Section 456.31 - Price of Lots or Rights of Burial. - Sec. 31. The price of lots or rights of burial...
Section 456.32 - Price of Lots or Rights of Burial; Payment Receipt. - Sec. 32. Upon payment to the treasurer of any corporation...
Section 456.33 - Certificate of Right of Burial. - Sec. 33. Upon presenting to the clerk of any corporation...
Section 456.34 - Potter's Field. - Sec. 34. Any corporation organized under this act, shall have...
Section 456.34a - Witness Fee; Prohibition. - Sec. 34a. A corporation organized under this act shall not...
Section 456.35, 456.35a - Repealed. 2008, Act 478, Imd. Eff. Jan. 12, 2009. - Compiler's Notes: The repealed sections pertained to creation, use, and...
Section 456.35b - Endowment Care Fund; Exemption From Care Fund Requirements. - Sec. 35b. Earth interment cemeteries of 10 acres or less...
Section 456.36 - Additional Land; Taxation; Conveyance. - Sec. 36. Any corporation organized or to be organized under...