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Section 455.51 - Summer Resort and Assembly Associations; Incorporation, Purpose. - Sec. 1. That any number of persons not less than...
Section 455.52 - Articles of Association; Capital Stock; Reorganization. - Sec. 2. The persons so associating shall sign articles of...
Section 455.53 - Execution of Articles of Association; Acknowledgment; Filing Articles With Department of Commerce; Certification. - Sec. 3. The execution of such articles of association shall...
Section 455.54 - Powers, Privileges, and Liabilities of Incorporated Association; Limitation on Land Holdings; Voting. - Sec. 4. (1) An association incorporated under this act has...
Section 455.55 - Corporation; Powers. - Sec. 5. Such corporation may improve and ornament its nds,...
Section 455.56 - Annual Meeting; Place; Board of Trustees, Report, Powers. - Sec. 6. The annual meeting of such association shall be...
Section 455.57 - Board of Trustees; Quorum, Vacancy; Election of Officers, Terms. - Sec. 7. Such trustees shall be known and designated as...
Section 455.58 - Board of Trustees; Powers; Annual Meeting; Streets, Control. - Sec. 8. The board of trustees shall have the management...
Section 455.59 - Board of Trustees; By-Laws and Orders, Amendment, Rescission. - Sec. 9. Such board of trustees may from time to...
Section 455.60 - Violation of By-Laws; Penalty. - Sec. 10. Any person who shall violate any of such...
Section 455.61 - Marshal; Appointment by Board of Trustees, Compensation, Duties, Removal, Powers, Responsibility. - Sec. 11. The board of trustees may, for the preservation...
Section 455.62 - Marshal; Authority Over Person Arrested. - Sec. 12. The marshal shall have authority to take any...
Section 455.63 - Property; Injury or Destruction, Penalty. - Sec. 13. Any person who shall willfully destroy, injure or...
Section 455.64 - Property; Taxation, Exemption. - Sec. 14. The property of such corporation shall be subject...
Section 455.65 - Property; Disposition; Conflict of Powers and Duties. - Sec. 15. Every corporation organized under the provisions of this...
Section 455.66 - Assessment of Association. - Sec. 16. Whenever the board of trustees of any such...
Section 455.67 - Assessment; Collection From Members. - Sec. 17. Whenever the real estate of any such association...
Section 455.68 - Board of Assessors; Election, Terms, Vacancy. - Sec. 18. There shall be elected at each annual meeting...
Section 455.69 - Board of Assessors; Members, Assessment; Trustees, Report; Interest; Fees. - Sec. 19. It shall be the duty of such board...
Section 455.70 - Board of Assessors; Report; Board of Trustees, Additions and Corrections. - Sec. 20. The board of trustees may correct any error...
Section 455.71 - Board of Assessors; Report, Majority Rule. - Sec. 21. The finding and determination and report of a...
Section 455.72 - Highway Assessments; Expenditure. - Sec. 22. All moneys assessed, levied and paid upon the...